Getting Proof And Making Things Clear

Tyr watches Astri training with her spear in the backyard, amazed again. 

He walks to her direction to see the spear closer. He sits near Claud and Zin, who was also watching even if they were keeping an eye on the cubs.

Yuki crawls in his direction and he smiles at her, he carries her and makes her sit on his lap, looking at him. 

"Can you help me get your mother's heart too, little one?" Tyr asks her. 

Zin and Claud tense up after hearing that. 

"Your fathers will not help me, but I know I can trust you. Will you help me?" Tyr asks Yuki, who only smiles and makes baby sounds. "Good! Thank you! You're my best friend." 

"She won't be going to that City. If you want her, you will need to leave your throne." Claud says.

"I'll find a way. Even if it takes years for that, I want her to be my female." Tyr answers. 

"She said she doesn't want any more males." Zin says.