Hidden Watchers

The Aquaterra Guardians are impressed with how different that female is. She's a Goddess, but she acts so simple and also has a different past from what they imagined. They imagined she was a pampered Goddess all of her life.

Beau never exposed his feelings to anyone, and also never told about himself to anyone. Not having many friends besides the army companionship. So, he really doesn't know what to say to Astri.

His energy and face told Astri many things already, she only smiled and nodded. 

"It's all right." She pats his shoulder. 

She looks at Shan and he excitedly tells her about himself, what he likes to do, and what he doesn't. "I love training and getting stronger, but I also love to find a nice hole to sleep. I also run away from Beau to avoid taking too much work, but I try to help as much as I can. I love eating oysters. Could eat all day. Hate tuna. I like to dress well." And he keeps on saying until he has no more ideas of what to say.