Smile For Me


With a flash of bright lights, the picture was taken.

Smile they said.

We'll see who's smiling at the end of the day.

"Hey kid, give me a bright smile!" The photographer said, grinning from ear to ear.


Sigh, I can't take this anymore. All of this smile stuff ain't for me.

With an oomph, I jump out of the tiny, rickety stool they had me sitting on.

"Are we done yet?" I ask the photographer.

"Young man, I suggest you get back in that seat." The photographer said in a monotone voice.

"Or what? You'll hurt me?" I retort.

"...Yes...We'll hurt you..." The photographer says very quietly, with a wide grin.

Creepy, also, what did she just say? She'll hurt me?

Before I could even say something, a loud crash of glass explodes behind me, followed by a scream.

"NOOOOOOO, GET AWAY FROM ME!" exclaims a girl's voice.

Splat. Splat. Splat.

I try to turn around, but a hand is placed on my shoulder.

"Oh, no mister. Don't turn around now. We still have more pictures to take! Remember to smile real bright for me!"

This time, the woman is scary.

I can't move. Her hand is like a death grip. She's the grim reaper while I'm just the lamb to slaughter.


"...Uh, I...."

"Shush, now. Stand perfectly still now."


"That's it. Keep smiling. Real good smiling, boy."

Splat. Splat.

I resist the urge to turn around.

Something tells me that I should not turn around.

"That's right boy. Keep looking at the camera. Smile now!"


Splat. splat. SPLAT.

I turn around...


Blood everywhere.

A woman lays there, with her skull smashed in.


There is a man sitting on top of her. With a bloodied camera in his hands.

With a quick movement, a brings down the camera like a judge's hammer, sentencing that poor woman to the gates of hell.


The man winds up again but stops halfway. He turns around and stares at me. With a lifeless stare and a big smile.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I told you boy."

I turn around towards the voice, but I'm hit in the head with something.

"Keep on smiling...Just keep on smiling..."

Smash, splat, sploosh.

"Smile for me will you?"
