

I've always wondered why darkness is so frightening.

Is it that fact that we can't see anything?

Or is it the fact that we've always been afraid of the unknown?

Or maybe it's that fact that there could be something in the dark that we don't know about.

I've never believed in such speculation. Such conversation bores me.

But now, I feel as if the world is forcing me to believe in such things.

It's been a long day, perhaps.

I've been driving for hours and now my car has broken down along the road.

Unfortunate, really.

I look around into the darkness. Nothing for miles. No lamp posts which honestly seems like an infraction to a regulation. Just me and my trusty car, as run-down as it is.

My situation almost seems like the start of a really bad horror movie.

Guy's car breaks down on the side of the road and gets murdered by some psychotic maniac wearing a mask and dragging a shovel or a 6 ft machete.

Laughable, really.

I grab the phone out of my pocket.

SOS signal only.

I dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency and location?"

Hey, so not really a life-threatening emergency, but I'm stuck on Riverside off the I90. About probably 10 miles out from the exit ramp. I don't have service out here and my car broke down and I need some help."

"Ok sir, unfortunately, this is only an emergency hotline but I will notify a towing service in light of your lack of signal. However, I will warn you to stay inside your car because ---------"

What the hell? Did she just hang up on me? No, why would a 911 operator hang up on someone?

Also, stay in my car? What, a bear's gonna pop out of the woods and chomp my head off? Yeah, right.


I whip my head around to what sounded like a twig snapping.

Eh, probably an animal or something.

Like a bear? Ha. Oh no, I'm so scared.

I would smack the shit out of a bear.

Probably not, but eh.

Guess I'll just scroll through my phone and wait for that tow truck.


Time passes for what seems to be hours.

Strange. Riverside of I90 is remote but I didn't think it was that far away from, like, a pit stop service shop.


The sweet sound of a truck in the distance.

Headlights in the distance, mystic eyes in the dark get closer and closer.

The truck comes to a stop beside my car.

The person driving rolls down the window, revealing an older man.

"Well, well, well, looks like a fine young man in trouble. Whatcha loitering around here for mister?"

"Well, sir. My car broke down a while back so I'm waiting for a tow truck to come by to help."

"Well, ain't that swell. They won't be coming though. Heheheh."

"I'm sorry?"

The older man exits his truck and walks around until he's in front of me.

"Heheheh, nice to meet you, stranger. Name's William."


"Nice meeting ya Joseph. Now let me get a good look at the engine. See if I can fix her up for ya."

"Uh, sure..."

We open the hood to the engine bay and the man lets out a hum as he eyes the various parts.

"Looks like yah blew a spark plug. I can lend ya a spare I got in the back of ma truck."

"Oh, that would be great. I have some cash to pay you."

"Heheheh, cash? No, no, no. I don't want your cash young man."

The older man walks to the back of his truck and swipes his arm around like he's looking for something.

"We'll how will I pay you back? Credit card, a check?"

The old man stops searching and smiles.

"Heheheh, no, no, no. Something even better."


"Why don't ya help me remove that blown spark plug."

"Wh-What? Okay?"

I turn around, but it's too dark to even see the engine.

Wait, now that I realize it. How did that old guy manage to tell me that I blew a spark plug?

I turn around.


With great force to the head, I'm knocked to the ground with blood clouding my vision. The old man stands before me, carrying a shovel.


"Shush, now boy. I told ya, that tow truck ain't coming. The family would love to meet ya."

The last thing I hear before I black out is the dry laughter of the old man.

Then darkness.