A good dog? or a bad dog?

"What's this herb called? It smells amazing. Is it edible?" Keith inquired, snapping a photo of the light green petals and sending it to Kevin, who was examining another herb.

As they trekked through the area on foot, everyone engaged in the same activity. They had decided to walk instead of riding to better survey their surroundings for herbs. Their herb detector was configured solely to locate the noxlight flower, similar to Kevin's treasure radar, which was specifically calibrated for the same purpose.

While he was on the lookout for more herbs, Kevin checked out the image Keith had sent. "That's a Scentara Bloom. They use it in perfumes and makeup stuff."

Keith's smile kind of dropped at that. "So, just a useless, fancy thing?"

Picking up a small pink and reddish cherry, the dark-haired guy replied, "I wouldn't call it a useless fancy thing, if it can get me 4000 thousands unit."