Harmony of Pureness

"How am I supposed to wear this?" Maria asked, looking at the contents of the shopping bag. It was some sort of uniform with very little clothing and various accessories.

"There are instructions in there," Kevin said, pulling out a small booklet that came with the set of clothes. It was a complicated outfit for newcomers to figure out.

Maria didn't mean it like that, she wasn't asking the how to wear it but why she should as the things in that bag were embarrassing and outrageous; she would have worn something else, even another outrageous cosplay like a cow. But there was something about this that made her uncomfortable. However, knowing Kevin would only be satisfied if he got his way, she blushed furiously and walked toward the bathroom, muttering, "Fine, but I'm only going to wear it for a few minutes... It's a sin, you know, to do these types of things with them."