Conflict Escalated

(There are 2 version of narrative in this chapter. The new script format and the traditional one. It is recommended to read the script format.)


Script format (including extra content)


Conflict escalated, Hffyl, Syafiq, and Pak Rahim found themselves caught in the chaotic crossfire. The clash between the outsiders and the locals grew more intense, with fists and words flying. Fear gripped their hearts as the violent struggle unfolded before them.

Hffyl's eyes widened in alarm as he realized that they might inadvertently become targets. The frenzy of the fight brought danger dangerously close to them, and they needed to find safety – and quickly.

Syafiq: Stay close and follow me. (He adopts a defensive stance.)

Syafiq skillfully navigated the chaos, steering them towards a makeshift barricade. They huddled behind the wooden barrier amidst the clash.

Amidst the fray, four burly men emerged from the side of the outsiders. These men seemed different from the rest, exuding strength and skill that set them apart. With powerful blows, they incapacitated several locals, their actions sending shockwaves through the crowd.

Syafiq: (mutters) Those men are a real threat.

Pak Rahim: We need to stay hidden and avoid drawing their attention.

As the clash between the two factions intensifies, Hffyl, Syafiq, and Pak Rahim find themselves in the heart of the chaos. The sounds of clashing weapons, shouts of anger, and anguished cries filled the air. One of the large men spotted them.

Hostile Man 1: That's him.

Hffyl's instincts kick in, and he finds himself unprepared for the situation at hand. Clutching a makeshift weapon – a wooden plank that he picked up from the ground – he swings it at one of the large men.

To his surprise, the blow lands with accuracy, catching the man off guard. The man's body seems to flicker and then vanish, disappearing into thin air as if he had never existed to begin with. Hffyl's confusion has peaked as he struggles to make sense of what he had just witnessed.

"Unknown Female Voice 1: You sure this is him? I don't want to kill another innocent kid."

"Unknown Male Voice 1: (confident) I'm sure. His parent's had already left the ward. Just give the injection."

"Unknown Female Voice 1: And if he lives?"

"Unknown Male Voice 1: Then we have to visit him again after he's woken up."

Hffyl: (looking around) Who said that?

With little time to process, another man lunges at Hffyl with a dagger. Before he can react, Syafiq intercepts the attack, deflects the dagger's path... toward Hffyl. The impact of the dagger sends Hffyl stumbling backward, his heart pounding in his chest.

Hffyl: (Stumbling backward)

Unknown Female Voice: That should do the trick.

Unknown Male Voice: Great, now let's leave the hospital before the nurses arrive. All cameras had been looped.

As he struggles to remain conscious in the midst of the chaos, the sensation of being stabbed tears through his side, and the pain threatens to consume him entirely.

Hffyl: (Grasping his side) Argh!

Hffyl fights to maintain focus, his vision swimming as he struggles to comprehend what is happening around him. Through the haze of pain and confusion, he glimpses Pak Rahim and Syafiq fighting valiantly. Despite the odds stacked against them, Hffyl tries to keep pushing forward through the agony.

Hffyl's world dims as the clash of weapons and shouts of combatants merge into a distant cacophony. He clings to the hope that he will make it through this conflict and emerge on the other side, safe and alive.

A man suddenly appeared, tall and regal with an aura of authority and importance. The man, dressed in a noble traditional attire and a tanjak, commanded the room with just his presence and words.

Temenggung: Enough! (He yells, bringing the skirmish to a sudden halt. With a wave of his hand, he orders his foreign enemies to leave, and they comply instantly.)

Hffyl feels relief as the temenggung, a noble title equivalent to a governor or chief, looks down at him with concern.

Temenggung: Bring the boy. (He commands his attendants. Two palace guards swiftly approach and gently lift Hffyl, carrying the injured boy with the utmost care.)

Pak Rahim and Syafiq remain by his side as the group makes their way to the palace gates. Hffyl's vision begins to blur as the grandness of the royal abode comes into view, its towering walls and well-designed gates.

As the temenggung leads the way, his swift strides speak to the urgency of the situation.

Temenggung: Who is the boy? (He inquires curiously.)

Pak Rahim hesitates for a moment, then speaks cautiously.

Pak Rahim: (hesitates) He's not from these lands. A visitor.

The temenggung gives him a searching look but nods.

Temenggung: We shall tend to him first. Then, we will discuss.


As Hffyl's vision begins to fail, he hears the voice of the temenggung, strong and commanding, echoing through the room. He feels a glimmer of hope, knowing that he will soon be taken care of.

With a final burst of adrenaline, Hffyl fights to stay conscious, hoping that they would be able to help him.

"Unknown Female Voice 2: Doctor, his heart rate has suddenly increased."

"Unknown Male Voice 2: Keep an eye on the monitor. I'll try to give him some medication. What happened?"

"Unknown Female Voice 3: We don't know. Should we contact their parents?"

"Unknown Male Voice 2: There seems to be a bruise in his lower abdomen."

Hffyl's vision is blurry, and he struggles to focus on his surroundings. He feels himself being placed gently on a luxurious bed in what appears to be a sprawling chamber. As his eyes adjust, he catches sight of the royal physician examining his wound, his expression serious and attentive.

The physician's attendants are swift and skillful as they remove the blade, and they quickly work to stop the bleeding. To Hffyl's amazement, his wound closes at an incredible speed, leaving them in utter awe.

Royal Physician: My Lord, a miraculous event has just unfolded before our eyes! The young master's wound, its mends itself with a swiftness I have not witnessed in years!

The temenggung approaches, his regal posture evident as he surveys the extraordinary display of healing.

Temenggung: Indeed, a most wondrous occurrence. May Allah continue to bestow their favor upon this youthful individual.

Pak Rahim: (Leading Hffyl through the palace's grand corridors) The pain still there?

Hffyl: (nods) Yes...

Approaching grand doors, Hffyl is in awe of the spectacular throne room.


The throne room is massive with tall pillars and beautiful artwork adorning the walls. The Sultan of Kedah sits on a raised platform, a commanding figure. Guards stand beside him, some holding gleaming spears and others with early versions of guns, matchlock muskets.

Sultan: (Curious gaze) You are the sky-born child?

Hffyl: (Slightly shaky) Benar, Tuanku. My name is Hffyl.

Sultan: Share your journey, young one. I wish to understand this marvel that has graced our land.

Hffyl recounts his journey vividly, losing himself in the telling.

Sultan: Such a remarkable tale. May Allah continue to watch over you.

The Sultan leans forward.

Sultan: You are now under the protection of the Sultanate of Kedah.


Royal Physician: (examined Hffyl's bruise) This is surely interesting. Your wound had fully healed under an hour, yet you still feel the pain. I could give you some herbs to kill off some of the irritation of your previous wound.

Hffyl: Thank you, Sir.

A guard approaches Hffyl.

Guard: The Sultan has decreed that you be given a place to stay within the palace.

Hffyl's eyes widen.

Hffyl: Here? In the palace? But, why?

Guard: Your tale has reached many ears. The Sultan wishes you to remain under the palace's protection.

As they walk through the ornate corridors, Hffyl turns to his guard.

Hffyl: Do you know Pak Rahim?

Guard: Ah, yes. He served the royal court in his younger days, held in high regard.

Hffyl: Really? and how about Syafiq?

Guard: A skilled trader and sailor, known for his tales of adventures.

Hffyl's gaze wanders over the intricate designs.

Hffyl: Well, I never expect them to be that.

Guard: And your tale now becomes part of this palace's rich tapestry.


Pak Rahim and Syafiq stand before the Sultan.

Pak Rahim: Your Majesty, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.

Syafiq: Indeed, Sultan. We have mulled over this matter for some time now, yet no clear path has revealed itself. How can we guide him back to where he belongs?

The Sultan listens intently.

Sultan: You wish to do right by the young one, and you seek a solution, a way to send him back to his own time.

Pak Rahim: Yes, Your Majesty. We believe it is of the utmost importance to ensure his well-being and return him to where he belongs. Time is a delicate matter, and we want to tread carefully.

Sultan: History has a way of weaving its threads, connecting the past to the future. And within this tapestry lies knowledge that may aid us.

Pak Rahim: What do you suggest, Your Majesty?

Sultan: We can consider the fall of Baghdad to the Mongols. It was a momentous event, one that shaped the course of history. Perhaps, young Hffyl could learn about our era, record our ways and our knowledge, in case his journey back faces obstacles.

Pak Rahim: Teach him about our time, so he may carry the knowledge back with him?

Sultan: Indeed. And in this way, we can leave a trail for the future, a record of our time that may aid those who follow.



Original version (a bit outdated. Not recommended to read.)

Conflict escalated, Hffyl, Syafiq, and Pak Rahim found themselves caught in the chaotic crossfire. The clash between the outsiders and the locals grew more intense, with fists and words flying. Fear gripped their hearts as the violent struggle unfolded before them.

Amidst the turmoil, Hffyl's eyes widened in alarm as he realized that they might inadvertently become targets. The frenzy of the fight brought danger dangerously close to them, and they needed to find safety – and quickly.

Syafiq's experience came to the forefront. With a determined look, he turned to Hffyl and Pak Rahim, his voice carrying urgency amidst the chaos. "Stay close and follow me," he instructed, his posture adopting a defensive stance.

As the battle raged on, Syafiq skillfully navigated the chaos, steering them towards a makeshift barricade. They huddled behind the wooden barrier, trying to remain inconspicuous amidst the tumultuous clash. Hffyl's heart raced as the sound of clashes and yells reverberated around them.

Amidst the fray, four burly men emerged from the side of the outsiders. These men seemed different from the rest, exuding strength and skill that set them apart. With powerful blows, they incapacitated several locals, their actions sending shockwaves through the crowd.

Syafiq's gaze narrowed as he assessed the situation. "Those men are a real threat," he muttered, his voice a mix of concern and readiness.

Pak Rahim's expression was grim as he nodded in agreement. "We need to stay hidden and avoid drawing their attention."

As the clash between the two factions intensified, Hffyl, Syafiq, and Pak Rahim found themselves in the heart of the chaos. The sounds of clashing weapons, shouts of anger, and anguished cries permeated the air, creating a nightmarish symphony of battle. The trio's bond remained unbroken as their shared determination to survive and protect one another served as an unspoken pledge between them.

In the midst of the chaos, Hffyl's instincts kicked in, and he found himself unprepared for the situation at hand. Clutching a makeshift weapon – a wooden plank that he picked up from the ground – he swung it at one of the large men who seemed to be relentless in their onslaught. To his surprise, the blow landed with uncanny accuracy, catching the man off guard. The man's body seemed to flicker and then vanish, disappearing into thin air as if he had never existed to begin with. Hffyl's confusion was palpable as he struggled to make sense of what he had just witnessed.

With little time to process, another man lunged at Hffyl with a dagger. Before he could react, Syafiq intercepted the attack, deflected the dagger's path with ease - towards Hffyl. The impact of the dagger sent Hffyl stumbling backward, his heart pounding in his chest. As he struggled to remain conscious in the midst of the chaos, the sensation of being stabbed tore through his side, and the pain threatened to consume him entirely.

Hffyl fought to maintain focus, his vision swimming as he struggled to comprehend what was happening around him. Through the haze of pain and confusion, he glimpsed Pak Rahim and Syafiq fighting valiantly. Despite the odds stacked against them, Hffyl tried to keep pushing forward through the agony.

Hffyl's thoughts raced, urging him to hold on despite the excruciating agony that threatened to engulf him. Hffyl's world dimmed as the clash of weapons and shouts of combatants merged into a distant cacophony. He clung to the hope that he would make it through this battle and emerged on the other side, safe and alive.

Hffyl lay on the ground, feeling weak and powerless as blood seeped out from his wounds. In the midst of the chaos, a man suddenly appeared, tall and regal with an aura of authority and importance. The man, dressed in traditional attire and a tanjak, commanded the room with just his presence and words.

"Enough!" he yelled, bringing the skirmish to a sudden halt. With a wave of his hand, he ordered his foreign enemies to leave, and they complied instantly.

Hffyl felt relief as the temenggung, a noble title equivalent to a governor or chief, looked down at him with concern. "Bring the boy," he commanded his attendants. Two palace guards swiftly approached and gently lifted Hffyl, carrying the injured boy with the utmost care.

Pak Rahim and Syafiq remained by Hffyl's side as the group made their way to the palace gates. Hffyl's vision began to blur as the grandness of the royal abode came into view, its towering walls and well-designed gates a contrast to the grim situation at hand.

As the temenggung led the way, his swift strides spoke to the urgency of the situation. "Who is the boy?" he inquired curiously.

Pak Rahim hesitated for a moment, then spoke cautiously, "He's not from these lands. A stranger."

The temenggung gave him a searching look but nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We shall tend to him first. Then, we will discuss." he said.

As Hffyl's vision began to fail, he heard the voice of the temenggung, strong and commanding, echoing through the room. He felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that he would soon be taken care of.

With a final burst of adrenaline, Hffyl fought to stay conscious, hoping that the royal physician would be able to help him.

Hffyl's vision was blurry, and he struggled to focus on his surroundings. He felt himself being placed gently on a luxurious bed in what appeared to be a sprawling chamber. As his eyes adjusted, he caught sight of the royal physician examining his wound, his expression serious and attentive.

The physician's attendants were swift and skillful as they removed the blade, and they quickly worked to stop the bleeding. To Hffyl's amazement, his wound closed at an incredible speed, leaving him in utter awe.

The physician's voice filled the chamber with excitement, his eyes sparkling with amazement. "My lord, a miraculous event has just unfolded before our eyes! The young master's wound, it mends itself with a swiftness I have not witnessed in years!"

The temenggung approached, his regal posture evident as he surveyed the extraordinary display of healing. "Indeed, a most wondrous occurrence. May Allah continue to bestow their favor upon this youthful individual."

Hffyl followed Pak Rahim through the palace's grand corridors, the pain from his injury is still there and it had not stopped. As they approached a set of grand doors, Hffyl was overcome with a sense of awe. He had never seen such a spectacular room.

The throne room was massive, with tall pillars reaching up to a high ceiling and beautiful artwork adorning the walls. In one corner, a raised platform held the Sultan of Kedah, a commanding figure with a dignified air. Guards stood beside him, some holding gleaming spears and others with what looked like early versions of guns, matchlock muskets. The sight of the latter was a clear sign of changing times. Hffyl was in awe as he studied the sight before him.

The Sultan's deep eyes met Hffyl's, his gaze curious. "You are the sky-born child?" he asked.

"Benar, Tuanku," (Yes, Your Majesty) Hffyl replied, his voice slightly shaky. "My name is Hffyl."

A small nod from the Sultan and Hffyl continued, "The stories you've heard are true, Tuanku. I did fall from the sky, and I don't truly understand how I survived."

The Sultan leaned forward, intrigued. "Then share your journey, young one. I wish to understand this marvel that has graced our land."

Taking a deep breath, Hffyl began to recount the events that had brought him to this pivotal moment before the great Sultan of Kedah. He spoke of falling from the sky, his encounter with the Temenggung, and the healing of his injuries in the palace, all in vivid detail. As he spoke, Hffyl found himself losing himself in the telling, his pain momentarily forgotten in the wonder of it all.

Throughout his story, the Sultan listened with rapt attention, his eyes never leaving Hffyl's face. When Hffyl finished, the Sultan gave a small nod, his expression thoughtful. "Such a remarkable tale, young one. You have truly been blessed. May Allah continue to watch over you."

With a contemplative nod, the Sultan leaned forward slightly. "We shall offer you refuge within our palace walls for as long as you require it. You are now under the protection of the Sultanate of Kedah."

A guard, tall and dignified, approached Hffyl. "Young master, the Sultan has decreed that you be given a place to stay within the palace," he said, bowing slightly.

Hffyl's eyes widened, "Here? In the palace? But, why?"

The guard smiled, "Your tale has reached the ears of many, young one. It's the Sultan's wish that you remain under the palace's protection while you find your bearings."

As they made their way through the ornate corridors, Hffyl turned to his guard, "The gentleman with me earlier, Pak Rahim, do you know him?"

The guard nodded, "Ah, yes. Pak Rahim served the royal court in his younger days. He's held in high regard here."

"That explains his familiarity with the palace," Hffyl mused. "And what of Syafiq?"

"Ah, Syafiq," the guard replied with a twinkle in his eye. "He's known to be a skilled trader and sailor. His tales of adventures on the high seas are quite well-known within these walls."

Hffyl's gaze wandered over the intricate designs of the palace, taking in the history and stories that surrounded him. "So much history, so many tales... it's overwhelming."

The guard chuckled, "Indeed, young master. And now, your tale becomes a part of this palace's rich tapestry."

Pak Rahim and Syafiq stood before the Sultan, their attention fixed on his every word. "Your Majesty," Pak Rahim began, his tone respectful but with a hint of urgency. "We find ourselves in uncharted territory. We have never encountered a child from another time before. We are uncertain of how to assist him in returning to his own era."

Syafiq stepped forward, his posture confident. "Indeed, Sultan. We have mulled over this matter for some time now, yet no clear path has revealed itself. How can we guide him back to where he belongs?"

The Sultan listened intently, his gaze focused on the two men before him. "You wish to do right by the young one, and you seek a solution, a way to send him back to his own time."

Pak Rahim spoke up, "Yes, Your Majesty. We believe it is of the utmost importance to ensure his well-being and return him to where he belongs. Time is a delicate matter, and we want to tread carefully."

As the three men exchanged knowing glances, the Sultan's face suddenly brightened with an idea. "History has a way of weaving its threads, connecting the past to the future. And within this tapestry lies knowledge that may aid us."

Pak Rahim and Syafiq exchanged intrigued glances, caught by the Sultan's enthusiasm. "What do you suggest, Your Majesty?" Syafiq asked with a touch of excitement.

The Sultan's eyes glinted with an air of inspiration. "We can consider the fall of Baghdad to the Mongols. It was a momentous event, one that shaped the course of history. Perhaps, young Hffyl could learn about our era, record our ways and our knowledge, in case his journey back faces obstacles."

Pak Rahim nodded, contemplating the possibilities. "Teach him about our time, so he may carry the knowledge back with him. A living record of our era."

The Sultan smiled, a sense of purpose forming in his heart. "Indeed. And in this way, we can leave a trail for the future, a record of our time that may aid those who follow."

As the three men contemplated this plan, they realized the significance of the journey ahead. The threads of time interwove, and a new chapter in Hffyl's adventure was about to unfold.