The Sultanate of Aceh

(Hello readers. I am regretful to inform you that I might not have some free time to rewrite the older chapters (Chapter 22-100) in script form. This is because I've been busy with my studies since this year (2024-2025) would be my final year in school. It will take some time to rewrite the chapters and I would also like to continue the new chapters to progress the story. Anyways, if you like to volunteer to help making a script adaptation of the older chapters, feel free to assist.) -Aceffiy

The MV Sirena reached the waters near Aceh, the crew's anticipation mingled with a sense of uncertainty. They had embarked on this unexpected journey based on the word of a young stowaway, Hffyl, and the mysterious artifacts he carried. Now, they had arrived at their destination, and the real challenge lay ahead.

Captain Ajwad, along with First Mate Rizal and Navigator Aini, gathered on the bridge to discuss their next steps. The crew had been briefed, and they were cautious but ready.

"We need to make contact with local authorities in Aceh," Captain Ajwad said, his voice resolute. "Let's anchor the ship in a safe location and prepare to send a small delegation to explain our situation and seek guidance."

Aini consulted the navigational charts and marked a suitable anchorage point on the map. "I've identified a secure spot not far from the shore where we can anchor without any issues."

Rizal, always organized and efficient, added, "I'll assemble a team to go ashore. We'll need to make sure our intentions are clear and establish a line of communication with the local authorities."

Meanwhile, in the crew's quarters, Hffyl sat nervously, clutching the mysterious items he had carried with him. "I wish to be back home any time soon."

As the MV Sirena dropped anchor in Aceh's waters, the crew members, dressed in their most respectful attire, prepared to go ashore. They left the ship in the small patrol boat, which was now adorned with both the Malaysian and Indonesian flags as a sign of goodwill.

The crew's delegation reached the shores of Aceh and made their way to the nearest port facility. There, they were greeted by local officials who, though initially cautious, were willing to hear their story. The artifacts and the letter in Portuguese piqued their interest, and they promised to investigate further.

Faiz took a deep breath as the small patrol boat moored alongside the jetty at Aceh's port. The sound of the water lapping against the pier and the distant hum of the town were comforting. Still, he felt a knot of apprehension in his stomach. Beside him, Hffyl looked on with wide eyes, trying to mask his own anxiety.

As they stepped onto the jetty, they were met by a tall man in a crisp uniform, his stern expression giving away nothing. Behind him stood a few other officials, all eyeing Faiz and Hffyl with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Selamat datang ke Indonesia, (Welcome to Indonesia)" the tall man greeted, his voice firm but not unkind. "I am Pak Harun, the Port Authority here. What brings you to our waters?"

"Terima kasih, (Thank you) Pak Harun," Faiz replied, nodding in respect. "I am Faiz, Chief Engineer of the MV Sirena. We come with a unique situation." He glanced at Hffyl, who nervously clutched the bag containing the artifacts.

Hffyl took a hesitant step forward. "I... uh, I have these." He carefully opened the bag to reveal the golden coin and the container with the radiant blue substance. The letter in Portuguese was on top.

Pak Harun raised an eyebrow, his interest visibly piqued. "May I?" He asked, extending a hand towards the bag. Hffyl nodded, handing it over.

After examining the items, Pak Harun's gaze settled on the letter. "Portuguese," he mused, looking up at Hffyl with a more softened expression. "You are far from home, young man."

Hffyl gulped. "Those... uh, they just... appeared in my pocket, Pak. I don't really know how or why."

Pak Harun studied Hffyl for a moment. "Mysterious," he finally said, drawing out the word with a hint of amusement.

Faiz cleared his throat. "We're hoping to find some answers, Pak. We didn't mean to intrude or cause any problems. You could contact our captain if you want."

Pak Harun looked between the two for a long moment, then finally nodded. "I will need to discuss this with my superiors. In the meantime, you may stay in town, but please do not venture far. We will be in touch."

With that, Pak Harun handed the bag back to Hffyl, nodding in acknowledgment. As he turned and walked away, Faiz and Hffyl exchanged a look, a mix of relief and anticipation.

"Alhamdulillah," Faiz murmured. "That could have gone worse."

Hffyl nodded, looking at the bag in his hands. "But what now?"

"We wait," Faiz replied. "And hope they can help us solve this mystery."

Onboard the MV Sirena, the waiting game weighed heavy on the crew's shoulders. Captain Ajwad sat in his cabin, the radio receiver crackling with voices from the Aceh port authorities. He glanced out of the porthole at the calm waters surrounding the ship.

Faiz entered the cabin, his brow furrowed with concern. "Any news, Captain?"

Captain Ajwad shook his head, a sense of frustration evident in his eyes. "Not yet, Faiz. Pak Harun mentioned they would contact us, but it's been hours."

Faiz sighed and took a seat. "Hffyl is anxious. He's never been in a situation like this before. To be honest, none of us have."

Captain Ajwad leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "I understand. This is uncharted territory for all of us. But we've come this far, and we'll see it through. For his sake and for the sake of whatever this mystery entails."

Hffyl, sitting nearby, listened intently. "I just hope they can help," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Faiz placed a reassuring hand on Hffyl's shoulder. "We'll find the answers we're looking for. We have a crew that believes in you, even if we don't fully understand what's happening."

Captain Ajwad nodded in agreement. "And that's why we must stay patient and cooperative. The authorities here are our best chance at unraveling this mystery."

Finally, after a thorough investigation, the local authorities in Aceh uncovered some information related to the artifacts and the letter. It was revealed that the coin held historical significance in Aceh's maritime heritage, and the letter contained clues about a long-lost shipwreck that was believed to be carrying valuable cargo.

The crew of the MV Sirena, along with Hffyl, were invited to meet with local historians and maritime experts to share their findings. The artifacts became a subject of great interest, and Hffyl's presence served as a bridge between the crew and the local community.


In a quaint room adorned with maritime relics of yesteryears, Faiz and Hffyl sat across a large wooden table from a group of local historians and maritime experts. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and curiosity. At the center of the table lay the mysterious coin and the encrypted letter.

Pak Iskandar, a renowned historian with salt-and-pepper hair, peered at the coin with evident fascination. "This," he began, lifting the coin gently with reverence, "is not just any artifact. It dates back to the era of the Sultanate of Aceh." He paused, a spark in his eyes. "You see, during the Portuguese invasion of Malacca in 1511, a great scholar from Aceh traveled there. Rumors have it that he played a significant role in defending Malacca."

Hffyl leaned in, absorbing every word, "So, this coin... it has ties to that era?"

Pak Iskandar nodded, "Indeed. It might have once belonged to someone deeply connected to that scholar or the events that unfolded during that tumultuous time."

Faiz, his eyebrows furrowed in contemplation, inquired, "But what about the letter, Pak Iskandar? Any clue what it might lead to?"

Dewi, a maritime expert sitting beside Pak Iskandar, chimed in, her voice soft yet clear, "The letter remains a puzzle. But the clues, however cryptic, suggest a shipwreck, perhaps one of immense value. The fact that you found these together implies a deeper connection."

Hffyl, feeling a mix of awe and responsibility, whispered, "I never imagined... I mean, these items just appeared in my pocket. I don't even know how."

Faiz, with a protective tone, added, "We're here to uncover the truth, Pak. Whatever it takes."

Pak Iskandar gave a knowing smile, "You've brought a missing piece of our history back to us, young man. We are deeply grateful. But remember, the sea holds many mysteries. What you've found is just the beginning."

As the golden rays of the setting sun reflected on the calm waters of Aceh, the MV Sirena swayed gently, anchored near the coast. Captain Ajwad, surrounded by his senior crew members, unrolled a nautical map onto a large wooden table in the ship's main cabin.

"From what Pak Iskandar and Dewi told us," Faiz began, pointing to a specific spot on the map, "the shipwreck we're looking for should be around this area. It's not too far off the main shipping channel."

Rizal squinted at the map. "It's deep waters there. We might need Omar, our diver, to do a preliminary survey."

Captain Ajwad nodded in agreement, "Yes, and we should also make sure we have the necessary equipment ready. We don't know what challenges we might face down there."

Dollah, with a hint of excitement in his voice, chimed in, "Imagine, Captain, a shipwreck from the era of the Sultanate of Aceh. The tales it could tell!"

The Captain smiled, "Yes, Dollah. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, we find it. Then we can talk about its tales."

The moon hung low on the horizon, casting a silvery glow on the dark waters of the international shipping lane. The MV Sirena sailed steadily, its crew going about their nightly routines, unaware of the impending threat that lurked in the shadows.

Mei Ling, furrowed her brow. "Captain, I'm getting some strange interference on the radio."

Captain Ajwad, standing near the helm, exchanged a worried glance with First Mate Rizal. "Keep trying, Mei Ling. We need to contact someone, anyone."

Faiz, having just inspected the ship's engine room, joined the conversation. "Captain, I've checked the engines, and everything seems fine. It's not us causing the interference."

Dollah, perched atop the ship's lookout post, squinted into the distance. "Captain! I see something on the horizon. It looks like another ship, but it's closing in fast!"

Captain Ajwad stood on the bridge, peering through binoculars at the distant lights of another vessel. "Strange," he muttered to himself, narrowing his eyes. "We should be the only ones out here at this hour."

Captain Ajwad squinted at the radar screen, his heart rate quickening. "Prepare to sound the alarm. This could be trouble."

Captain Ajwad grabbed the radio transmitter, his voice unwavering. "This is the MV Sirena. Identify yourselves and state your intentions."

The response was chillingly brief. "No time for pleasantries. Prepare to be sunk."

The crew exchanged horrified glances. Their pursuers weren't interested in a boarding; they intended to send the MV Sirena to the depths.

Dollah, from his lookout post, shouted, "Captain, multiple fast-moving targets approaching from the port side!"

Faiz, having dealt with the ship's mechanical issues earlier, joined the bridge crew. "Captain, our communication systems are jammed. We can't call for help."

Mei Ling, her fingers flying over the radio console, added, "The radar is showing multiple high-speed boats. They're surrounding us!"

Captain Ajwad's face hardened with resolve. "Arm the crew. Prepare the water cannon, but do not open fire unless absolutely necessary."

Hffyl, standing among the crew members, felt his heart racing. These unknown assailants were a formidable force, and the MV Sirena was in grave danger.

Rizal, organizing the crew's defense, whispered to Hffyl, "Stay close to me, lad. We'll protect the ship."

The crew, armed with rifles from the ship's armory, stood in tense anticipation. The enemy vessels drew nearer, their dark silhouettes cutting through the waters with ominous intent.

Captain Ajwad watched as the situation unfolded. "Hold your positions," he ordered, his voice steady. "Let's not give them a reason to escalate this."

The enemy boats encircled the MV Sirena, their occupants masked by the darkness. Tensions mounted as the crew braced themselves for an impending attack.

The crew retrieved rifles from the armory, their faces a mixture of fear and determination. Faiz checked the ship's defenses, his mind racing to find a solution. "Captain, our water cannon is ready, but if we take another hit, we're in critical condition. One more blow, and we might not stay afloat."

The MV Sirena swayed gently on the open waters, a rhythmic, almost hypnotic motion that belied the tension felt by its crew. A thick, eerie fog enveloped the ship, reducing visibility to a few meters and giving the sea an otherworldly, ghostly hue. There was no sound but the distant call of unseen seabirds and the creaking of the ship.

Captain Ajwad groaned, lifting his head and trying to shake off the dizziness that clouded his thoughts. As he pulled himself to his feet, he realized he wasn't alone. All around him, crew members were slowly waking up, their expressions filled with confusion and fear.

Rizal stumbled to his side, his usually stoic face etched with concern. "Captain, what happened? One minute we were being attacked, and the next... this."