Fort Zarabad

Liv's eyes never left the ongoing chaos. As she observed, she noticed a pattern: one of the groups, presumably Hizb al-Thabat al-Shari'ah, was gradually being pushed back towards a distinct building, an old fort with high walls and a towering watchtower - Zarabad Fort.

"We need to get closer to that fort," she murmured, pointing subtly. "Seems like the bulk of the action is converging there."

Dan nodded, "Could be their main stronghold or a fallback point. We should gather intel."

Lee chimed in, "I've been watching. Seems like there's another group pushing them. Not sure who they are, but they're organized. Might be local resistance or another faction."

Em interrupted, her ear to her radio, "Picked up chatter about a safehouse inside that fort. They're protecting something or someone important."

Liv made up her mind, "Alright, we move closer, but stealthily. We're not engaging unless absolutely necessary. Our primary goal is intel."

As they approached the fort, Charlie spotted a potential way in, "There's a side entrance, less guarded. We can slip through."

They moved quietly, avoiding main roads, taking alleyways and back routes. Close to the fort's side entrance, they noticed it was minimally guarded, presumably because most of the guards were engaged in the firefight.

Mike whispered, pointing to a couple of guards at the entrance, "Wait for my signal." He took out a small device, activated it, and threw it further down the road. The device emitted a series of loud bangs, mimicking gunfire. As expected, the guards ran towards the noise, giving the squad a clear path inside.

Inside the fort's compound, the squad saw something unexpected: groups of civilians, huddled together, fear evident in their eyes. It seemed the fort wasn't just a strategic location, but also a shelter for many of the city's inhabitants.

Liv approached one, an older man with gray in his beard. "We're here to help," she assured him softly in broken Pashto, hoping her few weeks of crash course language training would suffice. "What's happening?"

The man replied, "Hizb al-Thabat al-Shari'ah took over the city. But another group has risen, fighting against them. The city's torn between them."

Just then, a loud explosion rattled the fort's walls. The ongoing firefight had reached the fort's boundaries. The squad knew they had limited time to gather more intel and decide their next move in this intricate web of local conflict.

The team, hidden within the fort's bustling courtyard, huddled together for a quick discussion, taking care not to draw attention to themselves. Liv glanced at her squad, her hazel eyes reflecting a mix of determination and concern.

"We need to gather more information about what's happening here," Liv began, her voice low and composed. "Dan, Em, continue monitoring communications. See if we can intercept any intel about the other group opposing Hizb al-Thabat al-Shari'ah."

Dan nodded, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he adjusted his spotting scope. Em leaned in closer to her radio, her nimble fingers poised to intercept any transmissions.

"Charlie, Lee, scout the area discreetly. Find out if there's a central command or leadership structure within the fort," Liv continued. "Mike, Emmy, check the storage rooms and archives. There might be documents or supplies that can give us an edge."

The squad members acknowledged their orders with subtle nods and gestures. Then, they began to disperse, blending in with the fort's inhabitants and shadowed corners.

In the dimly lit storage room, Mike and Emmy cautiously surveyed the scene. It was evident that the storage room had been ransacked by the other insurgent group, leaving behind a disarray of scattered supplies and overturned crates.

Emmy, with her expertise in demolitions, moved closer to examine the remnants of the breached storage. She whispered to Mike, "Looks like the other group beat us to it. They've taken most of the supplies. We'll have to see if there's anything left that might be of use."

Mike nodded in agreement and began sifting through the crates, searching for any overlooked items. Despite the chaos, he had a knack for spotting useful equipment.

Meanwhile, Emmy carefully inspected some of the remaining crates, her gloved hands deftly handling the contents. "We might have to rely on our own gear for now," she murmured to Mike. "But we should gather whatever we can find. Even a few extra rounds or medical supplies could make a difference."

Amidst the chaos of their attempted interception, Em and Dan found themselves in a precarious situation.

"Damn it!" Em cursed under her breath as she fumbled with the communication device. Her screen displayed a plethora of rapidly changing codes and gibberish. It was clear they'd been hacked.

"What's going on?" Dan approached, narrowing his eyes at the chaotic screen.

"Someone's counter-intercepted our signal," Em replied, her fingers typing furiously. "They're good. Real good."

The device let out a loud beep before static filled the screen, and a voice, distorted and cold, said, "You are meddling in affairs you do not understand. Leave now."

Dan, reaching for his sidearm instinctively, whispered to Em, "Think they've got our location?"

Em looked around, trying to assess their surroundings. "Unlikely, but we can't rule it out. We need to move—now."

As they quickly packed their gear, the familiar 'ping' of a message notification resonated from the device. Em opened it to find a digital map of Zarabad, a red dot flashing ominously near their location.

"They're close," she said, tension evident in her voice.

Dan looked at the screen, then at Em. "We need to regroup with Liv and the rest, lay low until we figure out our next move."

Navigating the twisting streets and alleyways, the duo tried to stay inconspicuous. Em continually checked their six, ensuring they weren't being trailed, while Dan kept an eye on the front, guiding them through the city.

"The problem is," Dan said, taking a quick right turn into an alley, "we don't know how deep this counter-interception goes. What if they've tapped into our entire comms system?"

Em nodded, grimacing. "That means the entire squad could be compromised. We'll need to figure out a secure way to communicate."