To Justify Terrorism

The metal door clanged behind Liv, leaving Hffyl alone with his thoughts. But he didn't have to wait long. The heavy footfalls of combat boots soon echoed down the corridor. The door swung open again, revealing two stern-faced soldiers.

"Alright, buddy. Let's move," one of them, a tall, broad-shouldered man with a buzz-cut, gestured for Hffyl to get up.

Hffyl raised an eyebrow but didn't budge, "And if I refuse?"

The second soldier, a wiry woman with a sharp gaze, responded, "Then we'll move you. But it's your choice. Do it the easy way or the hard way."

Hffyl let out a soft sigh, pushing himself to his feet, "Alright, show the way."

As they navigated the winding corridors, the echo of hushed conversations and humming machinery was everywhere. The woman threw a glance at Hffyl, her tone dripping with irony, "Heard you were trying to fish out some big names from this mess we're in?"

Hffyl shot back, "A mess you folks crafted."

She smirked, "Oh? How so?"

He responded, frustration evident, "Organizations like Hizb al-Thabat al-Shari'ah? They stand against threats. External ones, like,"

The buzz-cut soldier laughed, "Guess we're the villains in your story?"

Hffyl didn't hesitate, "In this scenario? Yeah, you might be."

The female soldier scoffed, "Look, we're just doing our job, following orders."

Hffyl couldn't help but draw a sharp comparison, "Sounds like that's what the Nazis would said, too. At least they didn't pretend to be liberators."

The broad-shouldered soldier snapped, "Enough with the banter."

Their journey culminated in a dimly lit interrogation room, the minimalism punctuated by a solitary table and pair of chairs. A middle-aged man in crisp military attire gestured for Hffyl to sit.

The guards took their leave, and the atmosphere in the room shifted. The officer began, "You've certainly caught our attention."

Hffyl simply stared, waiting.

The man leaned forward, "Listen, we're not your enemy. We just want information. Help us, and maybe we can help you."

Hffyl exhaled, choosing his words carefully, "What you need to understand is that Zarabad has its protectors. Groups that you label as 'rebels' or 'threats' are often just people trying to shield their homes from outsiders. We were much more 'free' that you are."

The man nodded, "But aligning with groups that oppose a peaceful resolution? Isn't that escalating the problem?"

Hffyl's eyes flashed with defiance, "Peaceful resolution? Your version of 'peace' feels a lot like occupation."

A tense silence filled the room. The man leaned back, studying Hffyl, "This isn't over. We'll continue this chat soon."

Hffyl watched him leave, a mixture of anger and determination burning in his eyes. He was ready for whatever came next.

Later, Liv entered the room, Hffyl couldn't help but smirk, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "So, what's the next chapter in this gripping tale?"

Liv's jaw tightened, "This isn't a joke. Lives are at stake here."

Hffyl leaned back, his expression mocking, "Oh, I'm well aware. It's your team that seems to think it's just another mission, another 'situation' to manage."

She took a deep breath, her patience clearly tested, "Every operation has collateral, but our intention was never to harm innocents."

Hffyl chuckled dryly, "Oh, right, 'collateral'. Such a sanitized word for the chaos you bring. At least when we fight, we acknowledge every loss, every soul."

Their conversation was interrupted by the return of the stern-faced soldiers, who gestured for Hffyl to stand. The wiry woman spoke, "Colonel Adams wants to see you. Move it."

The soldiers escorted Hffyl down a long corridor, ending at a large wooden door. The nameplate read simply, "Colonel Adams."

One of the soldiers knocked briefly, then opened the door. The spacious office was dominated by a large desk, behind which sat a man with silvering hair, piercing eyes, and a demeanor that exuded control and authority. Colonel Adams.

Without looking up from his paperwork, Adams said, "You can leave us." His voice was calm, measured, but carried a weight that left no room for argument.

The soldiers nodded, quickly exiting the room, and the door clicked shut behind them. The room was silent for a moment, save for the soft rustling of papers.

Finally, Adams looked up, his eyes analyzing Hffyl. "Take a seat."

Hffyl did so, but not without a hint of reluctance. He waited for Adams to speak first.

"You've caused quite a stir, you know?" Adams began, steepling his fingers. "I've heard a lot about you from my men."

Hffyl responded, his tone wary, "I wish I could say the same."

Adams chuckled lightly, "Straight to the point. I can respect that."

There was a brief pause before Adams continued, "You mentioned earlier that we've created a mess here. But from our perspective, we're trying to restore order."

Hffyl countered, "By invading Zarabad? We were at peace before you came."

Adams leaned forward, "Peace, you say? From our intel, Zarabad was far from peaceful. But let's not get sidetracked. I brought you here because I believe we can come to an understanding."

Hffyl eyed him skeptically, "An understanding?"

Adams nodded, "You see, it's only considered war crimes if you lose. And right now, my men and I, we're not losing."

Hffyl's eyes darkened, "You're proud of that?"

Adams shrugged, "War is messy. But it's a means to an end. If Zarabad truly was at peace, why the need for groups like the Hizb al-Thabat al-Shari'ah?"

Hffyl replied firmly, "To protect against threats. External ones. Like you."

Adams smiled wryly, "Semantics. You see it as protection, we see it as resistance. But here's where we can find common ground."

Hffyl looked intrigued despite himself. "And what's that?"

Adams leaned back in his chair, "We both want stability for Zarabad. The difference is in the approach."

Hffyl scoffed, "By 'securing' it? By bringing war to our doorsteps?"

Adams held up a hand, "War is a strong word. We are here to stabilize. But if it turns to war, it's on those who resist."

Hffyl's voice rose, "So it's our fault?"

Adams remained calm, "It's not about fault. It's about progress. And sometimes, progress requires tough decisions."

Hffyl shook his head, disbelievingly

Adams picked up his phone and, after a brief glance at the screen, handed it to Hffyl. "There's someone you might want to speak to."

Hffyl looked puzzled but took the phone. "Hello?"

A slightly distorted voice responded from the other end, "Who is this?"

Hffyl frowned, the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it. "Who's asking?"

There was a momentary silence, then the voice responded with a tone of disbelief, "Is this... Hffyl?"

Hffyl's eyes widened, trying to place the voice. "Who are you?"

"It's Jose," came the hesitant reply. "Jose Machado."

Hffyl felt as if the floor had dropped beneath him. Memories flashed before his eyes. A hospital in Penang, the chase, the threats.

Hffyl's mind raced, trying to process the revelation. "How did you—"

"Track you?" Jose finished, amusement evident in his tone. "Let's just say you're not as slick as you think. Though I'll admit, you hopping from Malaysia to Indonesia, then Turkiye and now Afghanistan? It's like you've got a teleportation device."

Hffyl snapped, "You tried to kill me, and now you're confused about my whereabouts?"

Jose retorted, "You've been a ghost, kid. Even for you, that's... surreal."

Adams watched Hffyl's reaction closely, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Your quarrel was with me," Hffyl shot back, trying to remain calm, "Why involve them?"

Jose laughed, "Oh, we're way past that now. You see, I've been in contact with your good Colonel here for quite some time. I'm afraid our little game has reached its final stage."

Hffyl glanced at Adams, betrayal evident in his eyes. "So, what's next? Another game of cat and mouse?"

Jose's voice dripped with malice, "No more games. It's time to end this."

With that, the line went dead. Hffyl slowly placed the phone back on the table, his expression a mask of cold fury.

Adams cleared his throat, "Now, where were we? Ah, yes, your execution."