Escape to Victory.

Hffyl moved swiftly through the corridors, his every step calculated and silent. His senses were on high alert, and he knew that any misstep could mean his capture or worse.

As he approached a junction, he heard the voices of approaching soldiers. They were armed and on high alert due to the ongoing security breach. Hffyl needed to get past them without raising an alarm.

He ducked into a nearby room and peered through a crack in the door, watching as two soldiers passed by. They were tense, trigger fingers ready, scanning their surroundings. Hffyl clenched the Uzi in his hand and waited for the right moment.

When the soldiers were just a few steps away, he burst from the room, the Uzi roaring to life as he sprayed a hail of bullets in their direction. The soldiers reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, diving for cover. One of them managed to return fire, the sound of gunfire echoing through the narrow corridor.

Hffyl used the chaos to his advantage, darting behind a stack of crates as bullets whizzed past him. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, but he couldn't afford to let fear take hold.

With calculated precision, he blind-fired from behind cover, taking down one of the soldiers. The other, now pinned down, shouted into his radio for backup.

Hffyl knew he had to act quickly. He tossed a grenade in the direction of the remaining soldier, the explosion deafening in the confined space. The soldier's screams were abruptly cut off.

As the smoke cleared, Hffyl emerged from his cover and continued his relentless advance through the base. The alarm blared in the background, and he could hear the commotion of soldiers mobilizing to contain the breach.

His reputation as a phantom seemed to be taking form. The soldiers who glimpsed him described a blur of motion, an enigmatic figure who struck with deadly precision and disappeared into the shadows.

Hffyl knew he was running out of time. He had to reach the outside of the building, where he might have a chance to disappear into the AASOC's FOB compound. The path was fraught with danger, and he was a hunted man, but he refused to give up.

He pressed forward, his every step bringing him closer to freedom, his senses honed for any sign of danger, and his weapons at the ready.

As Hffyl continued his desperate escape through the maze-like corridors of the AASOC's FOB compound, the situation escalated rapidly. The enemy was now deploying heavier weaponry and vehicles, turning the once relatively secure base into a battleground.

Liz had been caught up in the chaos. She was armed and ready, moving with her squad to contain the security breach. The echoes of gunfire and the wailing alarms filled the air.

Hffyl, consumed by a sense of madness and paranoia, spotted Liz in the distance. Recognition flashed in his eyes, but it was followed by a surge of anger and resentment. He remembered their previous encounters when they had been on opposing sides, and now, she represented a potential threat.

Liz, spotting Hffyl in the dimly lit corridor, raised her weapon, her instincts taking over. "Freeze! Identify yourself!"

Without hesitation, Hffyl reacted. His finger squeezed the trigger, and the Uzi in his hand spat a burst of gunfire. Bullets whizzed toward Liz with deadly intent, striking her before she could react. She staggered back, wounded but not fatally.

Liz tried to reach for her weapon, but Hffyl's foot pinned it down. He leaned in close, and the coldness in his eyes made her blood run cold.

"Remember how you folks said 'It's only considered a war crime if you lose?'" Hffyl's voice was barely above a whisper, his tone dripping with vengeance. "I'll be the one who wins, no matter the cost."

Liz swallowed hard, feeling her pulse race. "You're insane! Why are you doing this?"

Hffyl's expression remained cold, devoid of the boy she once knew. "You took my life without a second thought. Why shouldn't I take everything from you?"

In her vulnerable position, Liz realized she was at a disadvantage. Struggling to maintain her composure, she replied, "You might have the upper hand now, but this won't end well for you."

Hffyl smirked, the irony of the situation not lost on him. "Looks like the tables have turned, haven't they?"

Liz, thinking fast, tried a different tactic. "Look, I get it, you want to escape. But going at it like this won't help. Let me help you."

He laughed, a sound that was chilling in its derision. "Why? Out of the goodness of your heart?"

She met his eyes steadily, "No. Because it's in both our interests."

There was a tense pause as Hffyl weighed her words. The sounds of battle raged on outside, and time was of the essence.

Finally, Hffyl sighed, "Fine. But you're coming with me. One wrong move, and I won't hesitate."

Liz, still nursing her injured shoulder, nodded. "Alright."

As they continued to navigate the maze-like base, avoiding patrols and sentries, the distant thud of helicopter blades caught Hffyl's attention.

"That way," he muttered, pointing towards the helipad, having seen a chopper in a routine flyover earlier.

Liz glanced at him, a hint of confusion in her eyes. "You think you can just fly out of here?"

He shrugged, "You have a better idea?"

She sighed, "No, but taking a chopper is risky. They have—"

"Tracking systems and radar, I know," Hffyl interrupted, clearly having thought this through more than Liz had given him credit for. "But I know a way around it."

They stealthily approached the helipad, dispatching the few guards they encountered with ease. There, resting on the landing strip, was their ticket out: a sleek, black military helicopter, its rotors slowly turning, the pilot inside running pre-flight checks.

Moving quickly, Hffyl approached from the rear, using the chopper's tail as cover. With Liz close behind, he swiftly opened the aircraft's door, yanking out the startled pilot. The man barely had time to protest before Hffyl's fist met his face, knocking him out cold.

With the pilot taken care of, Hffyl jumped into the pilot's seat. Liz, despite her initial reservations, clambered in beside him, taking the co-pilot's position.

Liz looked at him, her skepticism growing. "You think you can just fly this thing out of here?"

Hffyl sighed, a bit embarrassed, "I was hoping you knew how."

Liz raised an eyebrow, clearly not thrilled with the situation. "I can't fly a helicopter, kid."

He frowned, contemplating their options. "Well, we can't stay here, and I hope there's a flight manual lying around."

As they began to ascend, Liz quickly got to work on the chopper's internal systems. "Give me a sec," she said, pulling out wires and disabling the onboard tracker. Her fingers flew over the buttons and switches as she disabled the radar system, ensuring they wouldn't be immediately pursued.

Seeing Liz's efficiency, Hffyl raised an eyebrow. "Got a past we don't know about?"

Liz shot him a wry smile, "Let's just say I've had some interesting jobs in the past."

Within minutes, they were airborne, the base shrinking beneath them. The threat wasn't entirely gone, but for the moment, they'd bought themselves some time.

After their escape, Hffyl shared his plan with Liz. "We're heading back to the Pashtun Azadi Front's base."

She voiced her apprehension, "You want to go back to an insurgent base? After everything that's happened, they won't be too pleased."

Hffyl nodded, determination in his eyes. "It's the safest place for us right now. Besides, it'll be your turn to be the 'captured' one when we get there."

Liz chuckled, despite the gravity of their situation. "Fair enough. Let's hope they see it that way too."

The roar of the helicopter blades subsided into a dull hum as Liz set the aircraft to cruise mode, glancing over to Hffyl. There was an awkward tension in the air—a mixture of their tumultuous past and the uncertainty of the future.

Liz broke the silence first. "So, in case we're going to be... allies, or whatever this is, it might help to know your actual name. Unless 'Kid' is your official title."

Hffyl shot her a wry grin, clearly appreciating her attempt at humor in the face of their bizarre situation. "It's Hffyl. Hffyl Ajjmal."

"Nice to meet you," she replied with a nod. "I'm Olivia. Olivia Hamilton. But most people just call me Liv."

He studied her for a moment. "From enemy to... not-enemy in just a few hours. Life's weird, huh?"

Liv chuckled, "That's one way to put it. Look, Hffyl, I won't pretend to understand everything that's happened, or what you've gone through. But if you're willing to trust me, at least a little, I promise to help you."

Hffyl's gaze hardened, "That's the problem, Liv. Trust isn't something I give away easily. Last time I trusted someone, well... here we are."

She sighed. "Fair enough. But if we're going to survive this, we need to rely on each other. I know we've had our differences, but—"

"Like trying to kill each other?" Hffyl interrupted with hint of bitterness in his tone.

Liv winced. "Right, like that. But circumstances change. And right now, we have a common enemy."

Hffyl leaned back, processing her words. "The AASOC won't let this go. They'll come for both of us."