A Potential Help

The journey back to the base was filled with anticipation. Laden with both the crates of white phosphorus and a few miscellaneous findings, the group moved cautiously, aware that every corner could hold a potential ambush.

As the landscape became familiar, they finally approached the makeshift entrance of their base. Karim, who was waiting, eyed the crates with a mixture of hope and curiosity.

"So, what's our treasure?" he asked with a wry grin, trying to cut the tense atmosphere.

Fahim nudged one of the crates with his foot, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ever danced with white phosphorus in the moonlight?"

Karim raised an eyebrow, intrigued, "That's a big find. Could shift the odds for us."

Liv, pitching in, added, "If used carefully and in the right areas."

Hffyl, without missing a beat, said, "We know the rules. We'll use it where it counts."

Karim nodded, then his gaze shifted to the other materials they brought. "And these?"

Fahim opened a bag revealing various spare parts and materials. "Thought they might be useful for whatever gadgets you're cooking up."

Karim's eyes lit up, "Ah, this... this can be turned into something good."

Karim, with his usual flair for inventiveness, managed to transform the white phosphorus into compact grenades. As the evening approached, the crew was gathered around a table where Karim was showcasing his latest creation.

Liv, still adjusting to the unorthodox methods of the insurgents, looked at the grenades warily. "Those things are as dangerous to us as they are to them if not handled correctly."

Karim chuckled, handing her one, its weight surprising her. "Hence these," he said, producing a set of masks from a nearby crate. "Protection first. We're not looking to get a face full of phosphorus."

She inspected the mask, fitting it over her head, then muffled, "Feels like Halloween came early."

Fahim tried hard to contain a laugh, "Suits you."

It was Hffyl's turn to inspect the grenades. Holding one in his hand, he seemed fascinated. "These could make a difference," he murmured, almost to himself.

Karim, noticing his interest, joked, "Easy there. Don't get too attached. We need them for the fight."

But Hffyl's 'interesting' side seemed to be kicking in, "I've got a fever," he deadpanned, "and the only prescription is more phosphorus grenades."

Liv rolled her eyes, even as Fahim and a few others chuckled. "Someone's been on the internet too long," she commented.

The cave went quiet as the recording began playing. The familiar voice of Specialist Liam "Lee" Turner echoed, sounding strained and urgent.

"We've been separated. We don't know where Liv is. If anyone's hearing this, we're near the perimeter, but we're being hunted. They're after us."

The recording ended with the unmistakable sound of distant gunfire, causing a palpable tension in the room.

Hffyl looked unmoved, his face as cold as ever. "Why should we care? They're part of the enemy."

Fahim, always the mediator, jumped in. "Remember, enemy lines aren't always clear-cut. Liv worked with us before. We owe it to her."

Karim, stroking his beard, added, "It might be an opportunity. If AASOC's after members of their own, there's more to this than we know."

Liv, having become a bridge between two worlds, spoke up, "We should help them. There's strength in numbers."

"Strength, or a potential betrayal?" Hffyl retorted, his eyes narrowing on Liv.

Liv fired back, "Do you trust no one except yourself? Is that how you operate? Alone? We might be from different worlds, but this divide won't help us against AASOC."

Hffyl simply replied, "Trust can be a luxury in times of war."

Mustafa al-Farouq, overhearing the conversation, stepped forward. "We have little time. If we're going to act, it should be now."

Jalaluddin added, nodding towards Liv, "A divided enemy is a weaker enemy. If we help them, they might assist us in return."

Hffyl, although not entirely convinced, reluctantly agreed. "Alright. We move. But remember, any sign of a double-cross, and we act."

The group, now with a mission, started preparing, gathering their weapons and equipment. Karim handed out the white phosphorus grenades he'd crafted, and everyone ensured they had masks.

The group watched in stunned silence as Hffyl began to methodically line up his supply of white phosphorus grenades on a wooden table. It wasn't just five or ten, but dozens upon dozens of them, more than anyone thought could be present in such a situation.

Karim raised an eyebrow, looking genuinely surprised, "Where did you get all these?"

"Just some... contingencies I've been preparing for," Hffyl replied, his voice flat.

Fahim glanced at the grenades and then back at Hffyl, "That's enough to arm an entire regiment. Do you always travel so... heavily equipped?"

"One can never be too prepared," Hffyl responded, barely looking up.

Liv, trying to mask her astonishment, remarked, "And here I thought Karim was our sole grenade manufacturer."

Karim chuckled, "Looks like I've got competition."

Hffyl simply continued arranging his grenades, indifferent to the surprised reactions around him. "In our line of work, having an extra card up your sleeve can mean the difference between life and death."

Karim approached him, curiosity evident in his tone, "Mind sharing where you got these? Even I can't produce this many in such a short time."

Hffyl paused for a moment, meeting Karim's gaze, "Trade secrets."

Mustafa al-Farouq chuckled, "Looks like everyone has their own surprises. Well, as long as they're pointed at the enemy, I don't care where they come from."

"Agreed," Jalaluddin nodded. "But be careful. White phosphorus is as dangerous to us as it is to them if used carelessly."

While the grenades Hffyl provided were certainly going to be a game changer, Karim's inventions seemed to focus more on protection and tactical advantage.

"There's more to warfare than just sheer firepower," Karim began, gesturing to a line of sleek vests. "First up, we've got these. New light armor vests, made from multiple layers of woven synthetic fabric. It can't stop a direct rifle round, but it'll help against shrapnel and lighter firearms."

Hffyl picked up one, inspecting it with a nod. "Lightweight. Good for mobility."

Karim smiled, pointing next to a couple of compact devices. "These are simple electronic jammers. Not high range, but enough to disrupt radio signals in a limited radius. Useful for ambushes."

Liv's eyes lit up at the device. "This could give us an edge in surprise attacks. How long do they last?"

"About twenty minutes, give or take," Karim responded.

"Nice," Fahim commented. "Anything else up your sleeve?"

Karim gestured towards a few peculiar-looking goggles. "Night-vision enhancements. Made from repurposed old scopes and some tech I could salvage. Not military grade, but it should give us an advantage in low-light areas."

Hffyl took one and looked through, "This could be useful for the tunnels."

Karim chuckled, "Thought you'd appreciate it."

"And lastly," Karim said, pulling out a compact device, "Smoke generators. Quick way to create a diversion or escape in a pinch."

Mustafa, inspecting the device, remarked, "Simple yet effective. Good work."

Hffyl, still in his cold tone, commented, "Impressive arsenal. Let's hope it gets the job done."

Karim nodded, "With limited resources and time, it's the best I could do. Let's gear up and make every bit count."