Operation: Bazaar Snowstorm Part 1

November 20, 7:15 AM:

The rising sun's light spilled into the main hall of the outskirt defenses of Zarabad, revealing a large wooden table scattered with maps, markers, and a handful of leaders seated around. Mustafa and Jalaluddin were deep in discussion, occasionally pointing at specific points on the map. Hffyl, fresh from his recovery, joined them, nodding at the other leaders in acknowledgment.

Mustafa, eyes still on the map, remarked, "Rocket launches, as a start? To gauge their response?"

Hffyl raised an eyebrow, "Wouldn't that just alert them?"

Jalaluddin looked up, "That's the point. We need them to scatter, become disoriented. However, we know they have that trophy system."

Karim, overhearing the conversation while working on his project nearby, interrupted, "Those systems will take out most, if not all, of the rockets. If you're thinking of an electronic disruptor or EMP, it's risky, not just for them but for us too. Besides, it might not even work with their advanced tech."

Mustafa sighed, rubbing his forehead, "True. We don't want the whole city in blackout. Especially not with the civilians already on edge."

A voice from the entrance of the room chimed in, "What about a ground assault?"

Everyone turned to see Emily stepping into the room, a steaming cup of tea in hand. "Sorry, overheard. What if we used the rockets as a diversion, but not our main attack?"

Hffyl looked thoughtful, "You're saying we use the expensive rockets, let them focus on that, but our actual move is on the ground?"

She nodded, "Exactly. While they're busy with the rockets, we move in, taking street by street."

Jalaluddin weighed in, "The Bazaar-e-Zarabad is a key area. If we can cut that off, it might cripple their supply routes."

Mustafa looked between them, "It's bold. And risky. But it might just work. Especially if we move swiftly."

Karim interjected, "We'll have to be careful. With some of the civilians protesting and the AASOC's unpredictable reactions, the situation could get out of hand."

Hffyl agreed, "We need to ensure minimal civilian casualties. And, if possible, we need them on our side."

Emily sipped her tea, "Which is why the ground approach works. Close combat limits large-scale destruction, and with the city's layout, we can use alleyways and buildings as cover."

Jalaluddin looked at Mustafa, "I think we have our plan then."

Mustafa sighed, eyes scanning the map, "Alright. Let's begin preparations. We move at 10."

The group dispersed, each with tasks at hand. The sun climbed higher, and as the hour approached, Zarabad's fate hung in the balance.

7:20 AM:

The outskirt defenses of Zarabad was awash in hues of gold as the early morning sun mixed with the cold atmosphere. Hffyl's silhouette cut through the beams of sunlight, feeling the weight of the mission ahead. The restless hum of conversation filled the air, punctuated by the sharp clang of weaponry being loaded and checked.

Liam, stretching and wiping sleep from his eyes, emerged from his makeshift sleeping quarters, only to be greeted with a playful shove from Dan. "Late to the party, Lee?"

A half-smile tugged at Liam's lips. "Not all of us can be early birds."

Mike, nearby, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, muttering, "Who needs sleep anyway?" as he struggled to pull on his boots.

Emma was already engaged in her morning ritual - methodically arranging the tools of her trade, her fingers flitting over the switches and wires with practiced precision. 

From a distance, Emily observed, the tendrils of steam from her cup of chai masking her pensive gaze. Taking a deep breath, she approached Hffyl. "It's a big day."

He simply nodded, his own nervous energy evident. "We'll get through this. Together."

Omar, rolled up his prayer mat and stowed it away. Karim wandered over, handing Omar a cup of freshly brewed qahwa. They exchanged a few words in Pashto before nodding solemnly.

A few meters away, Mustafa and Jalaluddin were in deep discussion with Farid, pointing towards certain spots on a map spread out before them. The older men's faces were etched with determination, understanding the gravity of what lay ahead.

Mikhail, sitting on an old crate, was tinkering with a shortwave radio. The soft notes of a traditional song wafted through the air, offering a brief respite and touch of home in an otherwise tense environment.

As the place came to life, Hffyl noticed Karim gesturing for everyone to gather around. With a glance, Karim's expression conveyed the urgency of the moment. Slowly, one by one, members of the crew, the squads, and other leaders formed a loose circle.

Karim took a deep breath, "We have a lot to do. But first, we need everyone up. So if anyone sees someone still sleeping, give 'em a nudge."

Hamzah, never one to miss an opportunity, shouted in jest, "Or a bucket of water! That'll do the trick."

A chuckle spread through the group, momentarily lightening the mood. As the last few stragglers assembled, Hffyl felt the weight of countless eyes upon him. Drawing a deep breath, he stepped forward, gesturing to the map.

"Alright, let's get started. This is how we retake Zarabad..."

8:45 AM:

The early light was deceptive; its golden warmth in the cold hid the tension in the atmosphere. The fortification's walls reverberated with the low rumble of their preparations. Hffyl looked over at Asif and Karim, exchanging a nod.

Karim raised his hand, signaling for attention. "Alright, everyone knows their roles. The first stage is diversion. I know it sounds cliché and might not seem like much against AASOC's elite, but we've got to try."

A murmur of agreement spread through the group. Mustafa spoke up, "We have a few civilians who'll help. We can't rely too much on them, but it's an asset. They're not happy with AASOC's strong-arming either. They'll keep the rest safe."

Farid took a deep breath. "My unit's job is to distract them. Keep their eyes on the outskirts and away from Bazaar-e-Zarabad. That's where you all come in."

Liv glanced at her team, a silent signal passing between them. They had been through countless operations, and their synergy was palpable. "Our job is the Bazaar. We get in, secure the zone, and make sure we have an exit strategy."

Hffyl felt the weight of the situation. Speaking up for the first time, he cautioned, "Watch out for the civilians. We're not here to harm them. Our fight is with AASOC."

Mikhail gave a thumbs-up, his fingers adjusting a radio's dial. Soft static filled the air, a momentary reprieve.

Mustafa leaned in. "In half an hour, we begin. Until then, double-check your gear, pray if you need to."

Hamzah approached Hffyl, his hand resting on his shoulder, a quiet moment of solidarity between them. "You good?" he asked.

Hffyl nodded, "Insha'Allah, we'll succeed."

Everyone found their own way to prepare mentally, whether it was a quiet prayer, checking weapons, or just taking a deep breath.

As the clock struck 10, rockets burst into the sky. The siege of Bazaar-e-Zarabad had begun.