Goodbye Zarabad (Chapter 100)


-FreedomLover61: JZAI can go straight to hell! Launching nukes? Death to these terrorists! 🚫😡

-FreedomFighter92: They're fighting for their city, innit? Maybe the nuke was a bit much, but it got the job done. AASOC's out.

-CleverThinker: Anyone thinking that video is legit needs a reality check. Propaganda at its finest. Bet they forced those poor Zarabadis to say that crap.

-ThoughtfulMind: I get the fight for freedom and all, but using civilians as human shields ain't cool. JZAI got some explaining to do.

-DefenderOfTruth: Muslim here. JZAI is not Islam. They're twisting it for their agenda. Real Muslims don't endorse violence. They're terrorists.

-DefendersUnite: Muslim here defending JZAI. They're fighting for freedom, not terror. 💪🤲

-AmericaHistory: Samuel Adams, The Founding Fathers, had also been called a terrorist by the British in the past.

-CIAconspiracy99: Yo, what if JZAI knows about ABM 'cause they got one too? Like, they're flexing their missile game without actually wanting to nuke. Big brain move or total chaos? 🤔 

-GlobalTheorist: If CIA can go international, why not JZAI? They might spill some real tea. Who knows what secrets they got on AASOC and beyond.

-OppressionReality: To those Muslims calling JZAI terrorists: in times of oppression, you gotta defend yourself. It's survival.

-RandomDude867: What is Zarabad anyway? Never heard of it. Google says it's in Afghanistan. The more you know.

-AngryPatriot55: Forget diplomacy. Just nuke the whole damn Afghanistan. Problem solved. /s

-PassionateDebater: Death threats? Really? We're in the 21st century, folks. Can't we have a debate without wanting to kill each other?

-Hatiast101: JZAI is a bunch of terrorists. AASOC may have issues, but nuking them ain't solving anything. Just making it worse.

-ChillAtheist: Bruh, this JZAI thing is wild. A whole rebel group taking down AASOC? That's some movie stuff. Waiting for the TV series! 😂

-MemeLord47: Heard about Zarabad. Made a meme about AASOC. When reality is crazier than fiction.

-TechGeek97: Researching the whole Zarabad thing. Can't trust mainstream media these days. Gotta dig for the real story. 🧐


DECEMBER 1st 2018

The living room was cast in a muted glow from the television, the family huddled together on the worn-out couch. The news broadcast flickered images of JZAI members, faces hidden behind Shemaghs, engaged in a dangerous act – launching a nuclear missile.

In the hushed ambiance, Hffyl's little brother, eyes wide with concern, pointed to the screen, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Look, Papa! Doesn't that kid... resemble Hffyl?"

Papa, squinting at the screen, leaned in for a closer look, his brow furrowed with contemplation.

"Could it be him? But how would he end up there? In Afghanistan?"

Mama, her disbelief evident, dismissed the idea with a shake of her head.

"Afghanistan? No, no, it can't be. He's probably just someone who looks like Hffyl."

Umi, ever sympathetic, joined the conversation with a gentle tone.

"We've been through this before. Let's not get our hopes up."

The little brother, his thoughts swirling in uncertainty, muttered under his breath.

"But... what if it's really him?"

Abah, the patriarch, watched the news in silence, his expression inscrutable.

"We need to find out the truth. We can't keep living in uncertainty," he said softly, the weight of the situation hanging in the air.

Papa, resolute, reached for his phone, fingers tapping on the screen as he initiated a search for more information.

"I'll make some calls. Find out if there's any way we can confirm this."

The family, caught in a tumult of emotions – hope mingled with skepticism, continued watching the news. Each frame, each moment, held the potential to unravel the mystery surrounding Hffyl's disappearance.


Officer Husin sat at his cluttered desk, his eyes glued to the computer screen, scrolling through news articles that painted a bleak picture of unfolding events. The creak of the office door signaled the entrance of Lieutenant Razali, a folder in hand.

"Leftenen, what brings you here?" Officer Husin raised an eyebrow, acknowledging the unexpected interruption.

Lieutenant Razali, slightly out of breath, wasted no time and opened the folder, revealing printed photos of Hffyl juxtaposed with the news image of the Shemagh-clad figure.

"Inspektor, take a look at this," he urged, leaning in with a sense of urgency. "Look closely. That could be Hffyl."

"Squinting at the pictures, Officer Husin responded, "Could be? Lt, we need more than 'could be.' We need certainty."

In a swift motion, Lieutenant Razali pulled out his phone, showcasing additional pictures of Hffyl from various angles.

"Tap the screen, and compare these with the guy in the news. Same build, same height," he pointed out.

Nodding, Officer Husin admitted, "Alright, there's a resemblance. But we can't jump to conclusions."

As they continued scrutinizing the images, Officer Husin maintained a professional demeanor, aware of the weightiness of the situation.

"We should contact Hffyl's family. See if they can identify him," Officer Husin suggested.

Lieutenant Razali concurred, "Good idea. But let's not get their hopes up until we're sure."

They delved deeper into the evidence, discussing each detail with a blend of English and the familiar Penang dialect that resonated within the precinct.

"Skeptical, Officer Husin said to Razali, "We can't solely rely on visuals. We need concrete proof."

With confidence, Lieutenant Razali responded, "I've pulled up his records. Birthmarks, scars, everything. We'll cross-check."

Meticulously comparing the pictures with Hffyl's personal records, they left no detail unexamined in their pursuit of the truth.

"If it's him, we need to find out how he ended up with the JZAI," Officer Husin stated resolutely.

Lieutenant Razali nodded in agreement, "Agreed. We'll dig deeper into his connections, his movements."


The JZAI members gathered in a solemn atmosphere, preparing to bid farewell to their former AASOC allies who had decided to part ways.

"Hey, little man, take care out there. If you ever find yourself in the UK, drop by. Maybe we could spar, show some martial art skills of yours," Charlie said, looking at Hffyl with a mix of admiration and farewell.

Hffyl nodded appreciatively, "I'll remember that."

Dan, placing a hand on Hffyl's shoulder, spoke with genuine regard, "You're a tough kid, Hffyl. Keep that spirit alive."

Lee chimed in, "And don't forget, we've got your back. If you need anything, reach out."

Expressions of gratitude and farewells echoed through the group. Tank, a pillar of strength, approached with a somber expression on his face.

"You take care, little buddy. If you ever want a good meal, remember Tank's Diner," he offered, his deep voice carrying a sense of paternal concern.

Hffyl smiled, "I'll keep that in mind, Tank."

Mike gave a salute, a silent tribute to the fallen, "Honor Alex for us, will you? She was one of the best."

The JZAI members nodded solemnly, a shared acknowledgment of their fallen comrade. Captain Walker stepped forward, his eyes reflecting a mixture of grief and determination.

"Alex may be gone, but we press on. For her and everyone else," he declared.

"Indeed," Jeremy added, encapsulating the collective sentiment.

As they loaded Alex's body onto a truck, a profound moment of silence enveloped the group.

Later, outside the JZAI base, Bravo Squad gathered to reflect on the unexpected twists of their journey.

"You're one brave kid, Hffyl. Don't forget the lessons you learned here," Sam said, his eyes conveying a mix of pride and wisdom.

Sophie nodded in agreement, "It's been an eye-opener for us too, seeing things from a different perspective."

Eric, raising his sniper rifle with a hint of mischief, added, "I hope the US would take us lightly. Especially after what we did."

Victor chimed in, "Hope they won't find out."

Lena, injecting humor into the moment, said, "Aye, just pretend we didn't just join an insurgent group with nuclear missiles."

Aiden, showing genuine concern, advised, "And get some rest, kid. You were very injured during your latest encounter."

As night fell, Juliet Squad approached, Liv looking at Hffyl with a mix of admiration and sincerity.

"You've been part of something bigger than all of us, Hffyl. If you ever need help or just someone to talk to, reach out. I might be in London. You sure do taught me a lot," Liv expressed with genuine appreciation.

Hffyl, injecting a bit of humor, asked, "So, no killing each other again?"

Liv chuckled, "We'll see about that."

"Take care, Hffyl. The world's a strange place, but you're a tough one," Lee added.

"Stay strong, future chemist. You've got a journey ahead, phosphorus boy," Emily said.

Liv concluded, "Now, let's head towards the US base in Kandahar."

As they exchanged goodbyes, the former AASOC squads prepared to leave, fading into the distance. Hffyl watched with a mix of emotions on his face.

"Thank you," he whispered softly.

The JZAI members stood in a loose formation, bidding farewell to Hffyl, Captain Ajwad, and the MV Sirena crew. Mustafa approached Hffyl, his eyes reflecting a hint of gratitude.

"You've united us, Hffyl. JZAI wouldn't be the same without you. Take these lads with you. They'll be handy," Mustafa said, and Jalaluddin nodded in agreement.

"Thanks for everything, Hffyl. You showed us the true meaning of unity," Jalaluddin added.

Two new JZAI members stepped forward, a mix of curiosity and determination in their eyes. "We're ready for whatever comes, kid," one of them declared.

Hffyl smiled, "Good to have you on board. Let's get going."

Asif and Karim approached next, genuine camaraderie evident in their expressions. "You're like a little brother, Hffyl. Don't forget what you've learned," Asif said, clapping Hffyl's shoulder.

Karim added, "You are now officially a weapon designer. Your weapon, the XE-1, could change the world."

Farid, in a more serious tone, remarked, "You're a quick learner, Hffyl. Stay sharp out there."

Arash chimed in, "And remember, sometimes, aim for the heart rather than the head."

Hffyl, Captain Ajwad, and the MV Sirena crew, accompanied by the new JZAI members, headed towards the awaiting AASOC Blackhawk. Rafiq and Kadir were already inside, preparing for the journey.

"Ready for a smooth ride, my friends?" Rafiq grinned as they boarded.

Kadir nodded, "Let's get this show on the road."

The helicopter lifted off, leaving the JZAI base behind, the rhythmic thump of the rotor blades filling the air. Inside, Hffyl sat next to Rafiq, the MV Sirena crew, and the new JZAI members settling in.

"We'll make a quick stop at the docks in Pakistan. Smooth sailing from there," Rafiq informed them.

"And you know Rafiq here can fly anything, literally," Kadir added with a smirk.

The helicopter made a steady descent towards the docks, and Hffyl looked out of the window, taking in the lights of the city below.

"You've been through a lot, haven't you?" one of the new JZAI members asked Hffyl.

Hffyl nodded, "More than you can imagine."

The Blackhawk landed, and the group disembarked. The Pakistan airbase personnel recognized Rafiq, allowing them to pass without much hassle.

"Home stretch now. Let's get you back to your ship," Rafiq said as they headed towards the docks, where the modern MV Sirena cargo ship and Hffyl's traditional Srikandi ship awaited.

The group, now aboard the majestic Srikandi and the modern MV Sirena cargo ship, watched as Rafiq prepared the helicopter for departure.

"Take care, my friends! If you need a sky tour again, you know where to find me," Rafiq waved.

Kadir smiled, "See you around, Rafiq!"

As the helicopter ascended, they observed Rafiq's Blackhawk lifting off, disappearing into the sky.

"Rafiq sure knows how to make an exit," Hffyl remarked.

Kadir agreed, "Yeah, old friends come in handy."

The crew turned their attention to their next course of action.

"Well, we're back on our ships. Surprised no one spotted us," Captain Ajwad observed.

"Srikandi has her ways. A true Malay ghost ship," Hffyl grinned.

Faiz adjusted his equipment, "Ghost ship or not, we're in the clear."

The two JZAI men stepped forward, introducing themselves with firm handshakes.

"I'm Ferhat, and this is Ilhan. Ready for whatever comes our way," Ferhat declared.

Hffyl smiled, "Good to have you both. Make yourselves at home."

Hffyl squinted at the sky, "The TAF, or should I say, the Global Coalition of Stability and Progress (GCSP), might have answers. I've got a feeling they're behind more than we know."

Captain Ajwad nodded, "Heard about them in the news couple of years ago. Said they'd respond to the 9/11 incident, right?"

"Maybe, that's them. But I suspect they've got deeper roots," Hffyl explained.

Nurse Murni expressed her concern, "What's our plan then?"

Hffyl calmly spoked, "Europe."

The crew exchanged glances, a mix of determination and curiosity in their eyes.

"Europe, huh?" First Mate Rizal remarked.

Captain Ajwad looked at Hffyl, saying, "Lead the way, young captain."

Hffyl chuckled, "Baik, Kapten. Let's see what Europe has in store for us."

The ships sailed side by side as they navigated the vast sea, heading toward Europe.



Thank you for reading this far. This is perhaps the longest volume I'd ever wrote so far. I'll be seeing you again in Volume 4. I see you back in the middle of December or something. I got an exam to score.