Port Genoa, Italy


The Genoa port looms ahead, its colossal structures standing against the backdrop of the chilly December air. The crew, passports in hand, form a line at the border crossing. Captain Ajwad surveys the various immigration booths with a discerning eye. His breath mingles with the frosty air as he leans over to Hffyl, a hint of reassurance in his voice.

Captain Ajwad: Let me handle the talking. Just stay calm and follow my lead.

The distant clatter of ship machinery and seagulls' cries create a maritime symphony. The crew walks along the dock, seagulls swoop down, seemingly intrigued by their presence. Kadir tries to communicate with the birds.

Kadir: (flapping his arms) Ciao, seagulls! We come in peace!

The seagulls squawk in response and flew away.

Kadir: (looking at a seagull) You know, those birds always look like they're plotting something.

Ilhan: (seriously) They probably are. Ever heard of the Seagull Revolution?

Ferhat: Yeah, they're planning to take over one dropped french fry at a time.


Approaching the immigration booth, an imposing Italian officer awaits, his demeanor stern and unwavering.

Italian Officer: (in English) Passports, please.

Captain Ajwad greets, handing over the passports.

Captain Ajwad: Good day. We're here for a short visit, exploring the sights of Genoa.

The officer, flipping through the passports, raises an eyebrow.

Italian Officer: Malaysia, huh? Quite a journey. Any specific reason for your visit?

Captain Ajwad: Vacation, you know. Taking a break from the sea and enjoying the winter.

Captain Ajwad Handing over a form to the officer

Italian Officer: (Reading it) "Purpose of Visit: Avoiding sea monsters." Interesting reason.

Captain Ajwad: It's a serious concern in our line of work.

Meanwhile, Hffyl, clutching his new Afghan passport, feels a tinge of nervousness. Kadir, Ilhan, and Ferhat stand in line.

Kadir: Ah, the joys of border crossings. Never gets old.

Ilhan: Just stick to the plan.

Ferhat: Plan? You mean, act casual?

The officer, now eyeing Kadir, Ilhan, and Ferhat, glances at their Afghanistan passports.

Italian Officer: Afghanistan, huh? Tourists from afar?

Kadir: Yeah, we've heard wonders about the Italian winter. Couldn't resist.

The officer seemed slightly amused before stamping their passports.

Italian Officer: Enjoy your stay. Next!

As the crew shuffles away, entering the safe side of Genoa Port, Captain Ajwad addresses the group.

Captain Ajwad: Everything went smoothly. Now, let's find our way around.

The crew strolls through the port, absorbing the sights of docked ships, towering cranes, and bustling activity. As the crew retrieves their luggage, they notice one suitcase circulating on the conveyor belt that seems to defy gravity, spinning on its edge.

Ferhat: Well, someone packed their gravity-defying suitcase.

Priya: Maybe it's the latest travel trend.

They watch as the confused owner finally claims the suitcase, clearly unbothered of its unique talent.


The crew, having successfully cleared immigration, navigates through the bustling port towards a quaint souvenir shop. The vibrant display of trinkets and memorabilia from various Italian cities catches their eye.

Nurse Murni: Souvenirs already? We haven't even explored.

Mei Ling: It's probably for those who want to grab something before leaving.

Suresh: Might as well get a head start on collecting memories.

They enter the shop, greeted by a friendly cashier. The shelves are adorned with miniature landmarks – Florence's Duomo, Rome's Colosseum, Venice's canals, and, of course, the iconic Tower of Pisa.

Priya: Look at this. It's like the time when Omar forgot to secure the cargo properly.

Omar: That was just one time. ONE TIME.

Captain Ajwad: Our very own leaning tower incident. Maybe we should get that as a reminder.

They browse through the souvenirs. Kadir, Ilhan, and Ferhat join in, intrigued by the array of Italian trinkets.

Kadir: (holding a miniature gondola) You think this will fit in the ship's cargo hold?

Ilhan: (examining a magnet) How about this? We can stick it on the ship's fridge.

Ferhat: (spotting a postcard) Let's send one of these to the folks back home. "Greetings from Italy."

As they continue their exploration, the cashier approaches, noticing the group's enthusiasm.

Cashier: Finding everything you need?

Captain Ajwad: (smiling) More than we expected. Uh... we'll take a bit of everything.

The crew gathers their chosen souvenirs. The cashier begins ringing up their purchases.

Priya: (holding the Tower of Pisa replica) A reminder that sometimes our ship leans but never falls.

Nurse Murni: (nodding) A symbol of our resilience.

As the cashier hands over the neatly packed souvenirs, the crew prepares to leave the shop.

Captain Ajwad: Now, let's find a way to get to Switzerland.

Hamzah approaches an information booth, trying to ask for directions.

Hamzah: (pointing at a map) Way to Geneva?

Italian Information Attendant: (confused) Ah, Genoa?

Hamzah: No, Geneva.

Attendant: (nodding) Ah, si! Genova in Italiano. Same, same.

Hamzah walks away, scratching his head.

Hamzah: (to the crew) I think we're going to end up in the wrong Geneva.

Mei Ling: How about we ask locals for directions? Maybe someone here knows the best route.

Suresh: Or we could use technology. There must be an app or something.

Omar: I say we trust our instincts. We've navigated tricky waters before.

The crew contemplates their options when Hamzah returns, looking slightly perplexed.

Hamzah: (scratching his head) Well, that didn't go as planned.

Captain Ajwad: What happened?

Hamzah: I asked for directions to Geneva, and they kept saying Genova. Something lost in translation, I suppose.

Nurse Murni: Maybe we should consider local assistance. Someone who knows the roads well.

Captain Ajwad: Good idea. Let's look for a local service. We need someone familiar with the route.

The crew gathers, contemplating their next move. A decision is made to seek local assistance. They decide to browse "VoyageVista," a popular local travel website known for connecting travelers with experienced local drivers.

Captain Ajwad: Let's see if we can find someone reliable on this platform.

They huddle around a smartphone, scrolling through the app. They come across Alessio, a driver with glowing reviews and a genuine passion for sharing the beauty of the Italian countryside.

Mei Ling: Alessio here seems like the real deal. His reviews are excellent.

Captain Ajwad: (nodding) Perfect. Let's get in touch with him. We could use a guide like him.

The crew contacts Alessio through the app, and soon enough, a cheerful Italian voice answers.

Alessio: Buongiorno! This is Alessio. How can I make your journey memorable?

Captain Ajwad: (smiling) We're looking to reach Geneva from Port Genoa, and we heard you're the best in the business.

Alessio: (laughing) You heard right! I'll show you the most breathtaking route. Meet me near the port, and we'll get started.

The crew, reassured by Alessio's enthusiasm, sets out to meet him near the port. Alessio arrives in a charming car, ready to guide them through the picturesque landscapes of Italy on their way to Switzerland.

Captain Ajwad: (shaking hands with Alessio) Lead the way, Alessio.