The Alps


The crew is still on the roads in Milan. It's, of course, for the obvious reason, an enemy to all automotive drivers.

Alessio: (resting his head on the steering wheel in exhaustion) *groans* Traffic jams.

Hffyl: (Rubbing his eyes) 15 minutes? That felt like a blink.

Dollah: Yeah, you caught a power nap. We're still in Milan, stuck in traffic.

The minibus inches forward slowly, surrounded by the glow of city lights. Alessio navigates through the congestion, the hum of engines and occasional horns creating a melodic urban soundtrack.

Mei Ling: (looking at her phone) Traffic's quite heavy. Any idea how long we'll be here?

Alessio: It's the rush hour. It usually takes a while. Besides, it's December, almost Christmas.

The crew takes this delay in stride, some engaging in small talk while others gaze out at the cityscape. Hffyl, now fully awake, watches the play of lights on the buildings.

Hffyl: (to Dollah) This does seems like Penang traffic.

Dollah: It comes with the territory. Big cities, big crowds.

As they wait, Captain Ajwad strikes up a conversation with Alessio.

Captain Ajwad: Well, any... other interesting stories from your years of driving?

Alessio: (smiling) Oh, plenty. I've had tourists burst into song, business people finalizing deals, and once a couple got engaged in the backseat.

Captain Ajwad: Really? How did that happen?

Alessio: I... don't really remember much. I think they'd been in an LDR. I pick one of them up and then pick the other one... and I drove around, sightseeing. Then they proposed.

The traffic inches forward, offering a glimpse of the open road.

Suresh: (looking ahead) Looks like it's clearing up.

Alessio: (nodding) Finally. Let's hope the rest of the journey is smoother.


The minibus approaches the border crossing, marked by a sign welcoming travelers to Switzerland. Alessio slows down as they approach the customs checkpoint.

Swiss Customs Officer: (checking passports) Good evening... (checking clock) or morning.... Welcome to Switzerland. Any goods to declare?

Captain Ajwad: Just some souvenirs.

The crew hands over their passports, the customs officer inspecting each one carefully.

Swiss Customs Officer: Enjoy your stay. You're free to go.

The minibus crosses the border, and the crew lets out a collective sigh of relief.

Mei Ling: That was surprisingly smooth.

Alessio: Thanks to the Schengen Agreement, crossing borders within Europe is more straightforward.

Hffyl: Schengen Agreement?

Alessio: Yes, it's an agreement among 27 European countries that eliminates passport control at their mutual borders. Makes travel much more convenient.

As they continue into Switzerland, the landscape transforms, and the crew takes in the picturesque views of the Swiss countryside.

Suresh: (looking out) The cool air. Can someone turn down the Air-Con?

Zul: Got some spare jackets.

Captain Ajwad: This is it, a neutral country.

The minibus ventures further into Switzerland, leaving the border behind and embracing the new chapter of their journey.


The minibus winds its way through the scenic Swiss countryside, surrounded by lush greenery and towering mountains. The crew gazes out of the windows, captivated by the breathtaking views.

Hffyl: (whispering) The Alps... they look so majestic.

Alessio: (nodding) Indeed, they are a sight to behold. We're heading straight into the heart of the Alps.

As they approach the base of the Alps, the road starts to wind and ascend. The minibus tackles the winding roads with grace, climbing higher into the mountains.

Captain Ajwad: Keep your cameras ready. This is a view worth capturing.

The crew takes out their cameras and phones, snapping pictures of the picturesque landscapes, quaint villages, and snow-capped peaks.

Priya: (looking at the view) I've never seen anything like this.

Mei Ling: It's like one of those stock images on the TV in those expensive hotels come to life.

The minibus continues its ascent, and the air becomes crisper. The crew feels the temperature drop as they venture deeper into the Alpine region.

Suresh: (rubbing his hands) It's getting colder. We're really in the heart of the Alps now.

Alessio: We'll be reaching higher altitudes soon. Just wait until you see the views from up there.

The minibus maneuvers through the mountainous terrain, the roads becoming steeper and more challenging.

Hamzah: (looking at the road) Haha, Nice driving, you're navigating this like a pro.

Alessio: (smiling) Years of experience. These roads are my second home. I usually come here 4 times a year, every season.

As they approach a higher vantage point, the crew holds their breath in anticipation of the panoramic views awaiting them at the summit of the Alps.


The minibus continues its ascent through the winding mountain roads, the breathtaking scenery unfolding around them.

Captain Ajwad: (admiring the view) This is truly spectacular. Now you know how to show us the best of Switzerland.

Alessio: (grinning) It's my pleasure.

As they reach a secluded stretch of the mountain road, the atmosphere takes an unexpected turn. The crew, absorbed in the beauty of the Alps, remains oblivious to the subtle shifts in the surroundings.

Hffyl: (leaning back) I never imagined the Alps would be this enchanting. Even in the dark. I wonder how it would look like during the day.

However, the serenity is shattered when the unmarked vehicle accelerates, closing the gap between them and the minibus. The crew, now alert, senses an unusual tension in the air.

Mei Ling: (looking out) That an armored car...

Suresh: (frowning) Something doesn't feel right.

The minibus rounds a bend, entering a more isolated section of the mountain road. Suddenly, the unmarked vehicle speeds up, positioning itself strategically to block the path.

Captain Ajwad: (gripping the seat) What's happening?

A masked figure emerges from the unmarked vehicle, armed and ready. The crew, now realizing the gravity of the situation, exchanges anxious glances.

Alessio: (shocked) What is this? I had no idea about...

Suddenly, the Mysterious Figures steps forward into the headlight, revealing themselves.

Spezialeinheit: (Raise firearms) Spezialeinheit, everyone step out of the vehicle.

Alessio: What the hell is the DRA10 doing here?

Mysterious Figure: (chuckling) Questions, questions. All in good time. Right now, I'd advise everyone to cooperate. This can still go smoothly. (smirking) Surprised, aren't you? You didn't think your little adventure would go unnoticed.

The crew, caught off guard, now faces an unexpected threat in the heart of the Swiss Alps.


///Notice/// (7th January 2024)

Hello readers! You may notice that the pace of my work on Volume 4 may have slowed down slightly. This is because I am planning to rewrite the previous chapters in script format to make it easier to read and give me more time to add in additional content. Besides, the AI tool that I use to turn simple words into sentences has been somewhat repetitive and bland in its word choice, so I've chosen to handwrite everything from scratch, which can be time-consuming. It takes about 4 hours for the AI to generate just 3 paragraphs, so the tool doesn't save me as much time as I'd hoped. In other words, AIs are bad at writing enjoyable and original stories but it's very good at researching things fast (though, you still need to fact-check it). I have also added additional content to the lore and story, making it even more immersive and less bland. If you'd like, feel free to use the easier-to-understand script for school plays or something (idk, just do whatever you want.) - I encourage you to get creative.
