No Taste

However, despite Bei Sangyun's excitement, an unexpected thing happened. On that evening, Bei Sangyun suddenly burned in high fever.

Bei Sangyun was definitely a healthy child. Although she was thin, she was stronger than most of the kids. She had been walking for miles every day to help her grandma sell her products while attending kindergarten in the afternoon.

She had never gotten sick. She might lack meat in her bones, but she was always full of energy. Thus, when Bei Sangyun suddenly got sick without reason, Grandma Bei panicked.

She even considered going to the village chief to ask for help. A stubborn and prideful woman like her who never asked a favor from anyone was willing to grovel on the ground for the sake of her granddaughter.

Bei Sangyun was burning and delirious. Her condition scared Grandma Bei.

Grandma Bei made Bei Sangyun drink the herbal concoction she made according to the traditional medicine she had learned in her younger days.

This concoction was very effective against most colds and fevers. However, its taste was very nasty. Even grown men find it bitter that they teared up and wished to vomit it out.

That's why Grandma Bei took out the rock sugar that she had been saving.

However, when Bei Sangyun drank the herbal concoction, she did not make any face and swallowed it like water.

Grandma Bei was stunned. "How do you feel?"

Bei Sangyun's voice was hoarse and weak, "Dizzy."

Grandma Bei teared up. It hurt her heart seeing Bei Sangyun so weak.

"Here. This is a rock sugar. It will help alleviate the bitter taste."

"It's not bitter at all..." Bei Sangyun said. But she still opened her mouth obediently. Grandma Bei fed her the rock sugar.

The rock sugar slowly melted in Bei Sangyun's mouth. She expected the sweetness in her mouth to spread. However, the sweetness she was waiting for did not appear. Instead, a sticky tasteless water spread in her mouth instead.

Bei Sangyun pouted. She wanted to complain to her grandma for deceiving her. It was not rock sugar! Not sweet at all!

However, she was too weak to argue. The herbal medicine took effect and she slowly fell asleep.

That night, Grandma Bei did not sleep. She constantly checked on Bei Sangyun. If Bei Sangyun's fever did not die down and her condition worsened instead, she would not hesitate anymore and visit the village's chief even if it was in the middle of the night.

Thankfully, Bei Sangyun's fever died down the next morning. Her throat was a bit sore, but she was back to her usual liveliness.

However, her mood was down during meals.

Grandma Bei noticed Bei Sangyun's grumpy face.

"Are you still not feeling well?" Grandma Bei had never seen a fever appear and disappeared so suddenly. So she was concerned about Bei Sangyun's condition.

Bei Sangyun pouted, "I don't like this porridge..."

Grandma Bei helplessly put a bit of rock sugar in Bei Sangyun's bowl, "You just have a fever yesterday night. You should eat lightly."

"But there is no taste at all."

"It's normal to taste nothing at all after getting sick. What's important is to get back to good health. You have to finish your bowl."

Bei Sangyun had an ugly face as she finished the bowl of porridge.

After her stomach warmed up, she was back to her usual self. She wanted to go to the other villagers and helped with the preparation of the feast tomorrow.

However, Grandmother Bei was strict with her today.

"You can't go out. You are just sick yesterday. What if your fever returned?"

"I am not going to play around. I am going to help!"

"No. If you want to go to the feast tomorrow, you can't go out today."

Bei Sangyun pestered her grandma. "But if I don't help, how can I join the feast? You said I can't beg for food. So I have to work on it."

Grandma Bei was having a headache. "Alright. Just tell Mrs. and Mr. Bang that you wanted to help them. But not today. You can help them tomorrow. They will surely bring you to the Chuans."

The Bang family liked Bei Sangyun. They give her food and clothing sometimes. Because the Bang couple did not have any children, they were kinder to Bei Sangyun.

The couple even wanted to actively support Bei Sangyun with her school and other things, but because of Grandma Bei's stubborn attitude, the couple could only help Bei Sangyun with meager matters.

Grandma Bei knew that among the families here in the village, the Bang family were the rare ones who were truly sincere to Bei Sangyun. She even thought sometimes that if she was gone, perhaps Bei Sangyun could be adopted by them. But as long as she was alive and well, Bei Sangyun would be supported by her.

Bei Sangyun brightened up. She immediately went to the Bang family.

Grandma Bei helplessly sighed at the disappearing Bei Sangyun.

It did not look like this child had a fever a while ago.


River Village was especially lively today. The sun was just peeking from the horizon, but all the villagers were wide awake and were busy preparing for the feast.

Today was busier than the yearly festival.

"Bei Sangyun, go and take a look if the Chuan family has opened their gates." A strong middle-aged man instructed the little girl who was wiping the table. He looked like a ruffian but Bei Sangyun knows that he had a soft heart.

Bei Sangyun put the rag away, "I'll go!" She then ran away immediately.

"What a hearty young child. Most children are still sleeping but she is already up and helping us." Mrs. Bang was a gentle petite lady. She appeared at the door and gazed softly at the disappearing Bei Sangyun.

"When that child came to me yesterday and asked if she could help slaughter the pig, I thought she was joking. I did not expect her to come at dawn." Mr. Bang shook his head with a chuckle.

"Just let her help if she wants to. She probably wants to go to the Chuan family and play. Let's bring her along."

The Bang couple was satisfied with Bei Sangyun and agreed to bring her along.
