No Taste (II)

It was a good thing she came out to check. She hugged the small figure who clashed onto her legs and felt her temperature. She only sighed in relief when Bei Sangyun's temperature was normal.

"Why are you crying?" Grandma Bei asked gently. It was rare for her to be gentle.

"I won't ask for food from others again!" Bei Sangyun said in a muffled voice.

Grandma Bei was confused. She looked at Mrs. Bang who followed after Bei Sangyun.

Mrs. Bang saw the look of confusion in Grandma Bei's eyes and explained, "The children have a bit of misunderstanding in the kitchen. The Young Master must have thought Bei Sangyun stole the cookies. A plate broke as well. But I am sure it will be smoothed out soon."

Grandma Bei did not need more explanation. She could guess what happened. Her eyes dimmed.

She bowed slightly to Mrs. Bang, "Bei Sangyun must have caused trouble again. I apologize for dragging you into this. We will make sure to pay for the plate."

Mrs. Bang waved her hand, "Bei Sangyun is a nice kid. It's not trouble. It's only an accident. Madame Pei will not make you pay for it."

Grandma Bei took Bei Sangyun's hand, "Thank you for looking after her today. I'll take Bei Sangyun home."

Mrs. Bang was stunned, "The feast is about to start."

"It's okay. I can cook for Bei Sangyun. We will have our own feast in our home." Grandma Bei left hurriedly.

Mrs. Bang stood at the gate for a long time, a bit baffled. Did she say something that caused Grandma Bei to get angry?

Grandma Pei also came out. She looked for Mrs. Bang.

"Where is the child with you? I already explained to the young master that it is a misunderstanding. He liked to apologize."

Mrs. Bang looked outside the gates. "Her grandma took her home...."

"Oh." Grandma Pei was stunned. Then she smiled, "Then let's invite her later. I planned to have a children's party after the feast. Young master should play with children around his age."

"That's right. The village has a lot of lively kids. I am sure Young Master will come to like them. That's Bei Sangyun. She is sensible and smart."

"Then once the two children solve their misunderstandings, they might become friends."

The two ladies return inside to continue the feast as they pondered about the possible friendship between the children in the future.

At this time, they never thought that this little incident had caused a seed between the children that would grow into a big wall in the future.


Grandma Bei took Bei Sangyun home. Bei Sangyun had stopped crying now.

She wasn't thinking about the cookies or the accusation anymore. She was thinking about the plate she had broken. How much would it be?

"Bei Sangyun."

Grandma Bei's solemn voice woke up Bei Sangyun. She looked up at Grandma Bei guiltily.

"Are you hungry?"

Bei Sangyun blinked. She was expecting her grandma would scold her but she was faced with a question instead.

"...A bit." She had not eaten the cookies and the meat she was waiting for had not reached her mouth.

Grandma Bei nodded. "Grandma will cook for you."

Bei Sangyun sat at the side as she watched her grandma put more firewood in the kitchen.

"Grandma, I did not steal the cookies." Bei Sangyun could not help but say.

"I know."

"But I broke the plate...."

"We will pay for it."

"Are Little Sang and Little Yun enough?"

"We will not sell Little Sang and Little Yun. Grandma has saved enough money for a plate."

Bei Sangyun felt even sadder. That money came from Grandma's hard work.

"I am sorry, Grandma. I won't be greedy for food again." If she did not sneak into the kitchen to get back the cookies, that incident won't happen.

Grandma Bei patted Bei Sangyun's head, "It's grandma who is at fault. I did not feed you enough."

Grandma Bei cooked white rice and a dish with vegetables and meat. Bei Sangyun felt hungry just by looking at them. However, when she took a bite, her face turned ugly.

"Why? Don't you like it? Don't be picky about food." Grandma Bei had put a lot of vegetables into the dish.

Bei Sangyun swallowed it down forcefully, "Grandma, did you not put any salt?"

"I put enough salt. Don't eat salty food. You'll get sick easily."

But it did taste like it has any salt at all. Bei Sangyun wanted to complain but seeing Grandma Bei's solemn face, she finished the food without complaint. However, till the end of the meal, Bei Sangyun's face was ugly.

Grandma Bei was confused and even tasted her own dish. It was seasoned enough. So why this child looked like she was eating something nasty?


That noon, Mrs. Bang came to the Bei family with food.

"Old Lady Bei, I set this aside for you and Bei Sangyun. Bei Sangyun helped us a lot with preparation. Everyone who came to help took some portion to bring to their home."

Grandma Bei wanted to reject the food, however, thinking of Bei Sangyun's thin body, she pushed aside her pride. "Thank you. I will visit the villa soon to pay for the plate."

"Why are you still thinking about that? Old Madame Pei knew it was an accident. It was just a misunderstanding. The Young Master wanted to apologize to Bei Sangyun. There will be a children's party later. Bei Sangyun can attend later."

Mrs. Bang was patient when she talked to Grandma Bei. A lot of people in the village did not like Grandma Bei because this old woman was gloomy as if everyone owed her a debt. Not only that, but she was difficult to get along too. She had a big stubborn pride that ticked off everyone in the village.

However, Mrs. Bang did not think the same. They were the closest house to the Bei's. So she saw how hard-working Grandma Bei was. It was hard to raise a child alone on her own. Although Bei Sangyun was a bit thin, she was clean and well-taught.

Grandma Bei was just a bit gloomy with strict rules and principles in her life, that's all. Perhaps it was because of the incidents in Grandma Bei's past. Mrs. Bang heard a bit from her parents back then.