I Hate You

"Teacher, I didn't...." Bei Sangyun tried to defend herself.

"Go to Fei Chuan's house and apologize to him properly. The Principal won't tolerate your actions. If you did not reflect, you might get expelled."

Bei Sangyun clenched her fist.

The others might misunderstand her because they did not know her well. Although it was heartbreaking that the villagers who were friendly to her changed their attitude towards her, she could still hold on because Mrs. Bang, Grandma Pei, and her grandma believed in her.

But in this school, her classmates don't believe her. She hoped that the Teacher who always encouraged her would at least side with her.

"Teacher, I did not push him. He stumbled on his own. I told him to leave but I did not curse on him."

The Teacher sighed, "Bei Sangyun, I wanted to believe you. But many people saw it and this incident spread in your village and in this school. Would people believe what you said just because you said so? Besides, after hearing you say such words, I understood then that you are not on good terms with Fei Chuan. That boy wanted to be friends with you. But you clearly..."

Bei Sangyun's eyes heated up.

Fei Chuan, Fei Chuan, Fei Chuan.

Her source of misery was Fei Chuan. How could she be friends with him? That person did not even want her to be his friend. How the Teacher arrived at that conclusion?

She and Fei Chuan were rivals. Although, she was the only one who thought that way.

Bei Sangyun wiped away her tears, "....I understand."

She then left the room without even bowing to the Teacher.


Bei Sangyun left the school with a blank expression.

She did not understand how things become like this.

Everybody in the school was treating him as if she had committed a crime. She did not even push Fei Chuan on the ground. He fell by himself so why everyone was blaming her? Even the Teacher did not believe in her....

Bei Sangyun felt so aggrieved. She tried to explain that she did not do it that it was an accident and that her intention was not to harm him, but her words fell on deaf ears.

It was so unfair.

Why everyone was not taking her words seriously?

The villagers...her classmates...and the Teacher...

They were all blaming her.

Bei Sangyun's tears fell down like waterfalls. The injustice done to her made her even sadder. If she had indeed harmed Fei Chuan with that intention in mind, she won't be this sad. She was the one who was wronged.

It was as if the whole world turned their backs on her. They isolated her and yelled at her to accept the blame and confess the crime she did not do.

As if being poor and pitiful was not enough. She had to be a bad person who harmed people.

This feeling was so terrible and painful that made her hard to breathe.

Bei Sangyun sobbed all the way to the market. She wanted to see her grandma and hugged her. She wanted to hear Grandma's comforting words.

Everyone would hate her, but not her grandma.

However, when she arrived at the market. Grandma wasn't there.

She could only wipe her tears and go home alone.

Crossing the river and the mountain took two hours. But Bei Sangyun did a lot of thinking and crying that it took her more than three hours. It was late in the afternoon when she arrived at the entrance of the village.

She looked at the villa that was surrounded by tall brick walls.

Her eyes were puffy and red. But her tears had dried. She had enough of crying for three hours.

When she entered the village, the people who saw her looked at her strangely and murmured.

In the past, these people would lively greet her.

"Bei Sangyun, you just came from school? Aigo, I wish my children are half sensible and smart as you."

"Bei Sangyun, you worked hard. You are the pride of our village."

"Bei Sangyun, you are very lively and enthusiastic every day. I wonder what makes you happy today."

Their words were full of praise and admiration. This was why Bei Sangyun loved the village. Because everyone treated her well. She was happy and she lived with her head held high.

But now, no one came to greet her. They looked at her with disappointed eyes and shaking heads. Their words of admiration had turned into cruel and harsh words.

Bei Sangyun lowered her head and ran to the gate of the villa.

Fortunately, it wasn't close.

There were people in the yard. The village's chief family was also there.

"Bei Sangyun...?" Even Mrs. Bang was here.

Bei Sangyun bowed to Mrs. Bang politely.

Her grandma said Mrs. Bang and Grandma Pei believed in her. So she was grateful to them.

"Are you here to apologize to the Young Master?"

Bei Sangyun's lowered head froze.

Mrs. Bang sighed. "I knew you two have a misunderstanding since the beginning. I never expected it to become this big."

Mrs. Bang held her hand, "The Young Master has recovered now. He is looking for you. Even though he got mad, you still have to apologize properly. I know you are not a bad child. People make mistakes. But sincerity can make up for it."

Bei Sangyun's lips trembled and the tears that she thought had dried were threatening to come down. She raised her head and stared into Mrs. Bang's eyes, "Mrs. Bang, do you also believe that I pushed him?"

Mrs. Bang was stunned. She avoided her eyes, "Many people saw you that day...no matter how much sensible you are, you are still a child. Children are sometimes naughty. But if you know you have done something wrong and reflect well, mistakes can be forgiven."

Bei Sangyun felt her heart was torn apart by two big hands. She took her hands from Mrs. Bang's grip, "...Grandma lied."

"Bei Sangyun?"

Bei Sangyun wiped away her tears that fell down like a waterfall. "....she thought that I will feel worse if even you did not believe me."

Bei Sangyun looked up and force herself to smile, "It's okay. I understand."

Bei Sangyun looked up at the villa. Her lively gaze was somewhat dimmed. "Where is Fei Chuan? I want to apologize to him."

Mrs. Bang felt something was wrong but since the child said she wanted to apologize, she lead her to the house.

Grandma Pei saw Bei Sangyun.

But she did not scold her or force her to apologize. However, she was not enthusiastic as before. She just nodded at her with a polite smile, "He is also looking for you. You guys should talk. We will be outside."

Bei Sangyun entered the room alone.

Fei Chuan's room was ten times bigger than their hut.

There was a mini library where thick books were displayed on the cabinet. They were ten times thicker than the books in the playroom with a lot of words she could not understand.

There was a collection of toy cars and robots in the displayed cabinet. Bei Sangyun knew at once glance that this was more expensive than the toys in the playroom.

Just by looking around the room, she could tell that Fei Chuan really live a life different than hers.

She held the string of her cloth bag tightly and proceed forward.

She arrived in the inner room where Fei Chuan's bed was.

Fei Chuan had already recovered a bit of his health. He was sitting on the bed. There were cookies and milk on the bedside table and a big pink box.

His lips were bloodless, a sign that he indeed got sick.

Fei Chuan looked up and blinked at her. Bei Sangyun stared back at him.

The two children looked back at each other for a long time with only silence between them.

Bei Sangyun was the first to break the silence, "On my way here, I walked for three hours while thinking about it. You are right about education. It is too immature for me to get upset because of trivial matters."

Bei Sangyun paused. Her puffy red eyes stared straight at Fei Chuan.

"But what I experienced in school still upset me. I won't go to school and I won't apologize to you."

There was silence once more.

Bei Sangyun clenched her hand into a fist.

This time she won't be intimidated by him. She won't cry and she won't get defeated.

"I hate you, Fei Chuan."

Fei Chuan paused.

Bei Sangyun's eyes turned teary but she held on. She won't let her tears drop!

"I wish you hadn't come to this village."