Cold and Unfeeling

As they left the yard, they encountered a cluster of young men in their early twenties. They were out of breath as if they had sprinted all the way there.

"Bei Sangyun!" A tall lanky man surged forward.

However, upon locking eyes with Bei Sangyun, he faltered, his gaze widening with astonishment.

"Are you... Bei Sangyun?" he stammered, clearly taken aback.

Bei Sangyun exchanged a brief glance with Grandma Bei, who shook her head in bewilderment. Neither of them comprehended why this group of young men had come seeking her. Nevertheless, Grandma Bei took a step forward, her expression fierce as she directed a stern glare at the young men.

"Why are you looking for my granddaughter? Step aside! We're leaving this village!"

The lanky young man was startled. "She just arrived, and she's already leaving? This can't be!"

Bei Sangyun narrowed her eyes.