Drama with the Fourth Branch

A/n: It is now fixed. Thank you for waiting.


When Bei Sangyun entered the living room, Lin Sunji's parents were embroiled in a heated argument with Lin Ginxian.

Prior to her arrival, Butler Lin had informed her that Lin Sunji had brought her friends as witnesses and they were likely waiting in the guest room. The presence of these witnesses had caused some concern for Butler Xin, but Bei Sangyun's composure had managed to reassure him.

However, the situation in the living room was escalating rapidly.

"Your daughter did this to my daughter! What kind of values are you instilling in your child? My sweet daughter has always been kind to her, yet she resorts to violence! Even though you made her take up the Lin family name, her barbaric nature from that rural village won't change! That illegitimate child is tarnishing this family!" Lin Ruo, Lin Sunji's father, shouted in anger.