Red Juice

All sorts of bullying were directed at him.

He was constantly 'pranked' by other students. His lockers were always filled with hate remarks or garbage. He was disturbed while eating, receiving jeering remarks and mocking laughter from others. He was called by many names.

Bei Sangyun had thought that she wouldn't be affected much by watching all of these. After all, she was a ruthless person who had done worse to her enemies.

However, as she watched these videos one by one, seeing Fei Chuan being mistreated by others who didn't even compare to his little finger, made her blood boil.

What made her more frustrated and angry was that, in most of those videos, she could be seen in the scene.

She watched the entire situation coldly or left when things started. She always left without looking back. At the end of those videos, she could see Fei Chuan glancing at her disappearing figure.