On their knees

Lin Ginxian couldn't hide his satisfaction. The tables had turned, and this situation presented an opportunity to expose the fourth branch's deceit and take them down.

"You people dared to frame my daughter? Do you desire the inheritance so much that you'd stoop so low as to ruin a young girl's reputation? If anyone here doesn't deserve to bear the Lin family name, it's you!" Lin Ginxian shouted, his face showing anger.

He turned to his father. "Father, I can't forgive them. If my daughter hadn't been able to prove herself today, these people would have permanently tarnished her reputation. They plotted to remove her from this family. I've struggled for so long just to find her, and I won't let them harm her again. These people don't deserve to carry the family name."

"Lin Ginxian! You've gone too far!" Lin Ruo retorted.

"Too far? Should I stand by and watch as all of you destroy my daughter? You people should be expelled from this family!"