A Piece of Advice

Fei Chuan smiled coldly.

"What about the apology for manipulating people to bully me?" Fei Chuan asked, his tone heavy.

Lin Sunji turned stiff, her eyes widening.

That bitch must have snitched on her already!

Bei Sangyun must have spilled the entire story, possibly even exaggerating it to ensure that Fei Chuan wouldn't forgive her. That cunning girl was always up to something.

Lin Sunji cursed Bei Sangyun in her heart, but on the outside, she maintained a sweet and understanding smile.

"I'm sure Bei Sangyun is the one who told you all that. You shouldn't be too quick to believe her. She enjoys manipulating people's emotions and confusing them. I hope you won't fall for her lies and see the truth clearly."

"What's the truth, then?" Fei Chuan asked with a scoff.