Be a Couple

A/n: This chapter is now fixed. Thank you for waiting.


The remaining lackeys looked at each other, sharing the same thoughts as the brave one.

"...Boss, may we ask why you've been spending so much time around Fei Chuan if you're not interested in him?" the brave lackey asked.

"I need something from him," Bei Sangyun replied with a sigh, which reminded her of her current problem.

"What do you need from him, boss? Perhaps we can help."

"You can't help me."

Bei Sangyun's response left the lackeys in silence.

It seemed they were unable to assist their boss today, and they felt increasingly useless.

Ever since their boss ordered them not to touch Fei Chuan, forbade them from joining her at lunch, and stopped hanging out with her, they believed their position as her lackeys was in jeopardy.

What if they were no longer needed? Would their boss discard them?