At the Rooftop

A/n: This chapter is fixed. Thank you for waiting.


It was two days later, that Fei Chuan finally showed up at school. 

When Bei Sangyun entered the classroom, her first instinct was to glance at Fei Chuan's seat. Her steps paused upon seeing that the once-empty chair was now occupied.

Over the past two days, Bei Sangyun had contemplated whether to visit the Fei family personally.

However, her rational side warned her that if she- a member of the Lin family- were to visit Fei Chuan, this might lead to some unintended consequences. Her presence might burden him, and there was no guarantee that the other party would welcome her visit.

So, Bei Sangyun had to rely on the spy's reports about Fei Chuan's current situation. So far, after the Fourth Madame's visit, no further incidents had occurred. The seventh young master's residence within the Fei mansion remained peaceful and without any troubles.