Flirting with each other

A/n: This chapter is now fixed. Thank you for waiting.


Lin Sunji was taken aback, glancing at Bei Sangyun in puzzlement.

While she was the top French student, Bei Sangyun's French was more fluent than hers. Bei Sangyun had already proven that during their test in front of their grandfather. 

Moreover, this was a golden opportunity to get closer to Simons, yet Bei Sangyun was handing it to her so easily?

In the past, Lin Sunji would have eagerly seized this chance without much thought. But Bei Sangyun's actions now left her puzzled and made her doubt everything.

Even though Lin Sunji didn't understand Bei Sangyun's motives, she couldn't let her have her way.

Lin Sunji frowned, "I'd be happy to sit beside Richard and guide him. However, he chose the seat beside you. I respect his decision."

Bei Sangyun raised her brow. She had expected that Lin Sunji would grab this opportunity. But Lin Sunji actually declined?