I don't want to eat alone

Outside the room, Richard was vehemently reprimanding the person on the other end of the line.

"What do you mean you couldn't continue anymore? You already accepted my payment."

"I got hacked. All of the recent data I gathered vanished. I will be off the grid for a while."

"You! You have to finish this job at least!"

"I don't want to lose you. You're one of my important clients. I promise I will settle this, and I'll be back."

Richard was frustrated, unable to do anything about it. His knowledge of the cyber world was limited. He had no choice but to trust Code's words.

"How long do I have to wait?"

"I don't know. As long as it takes to find the person who attacked me."

"You didn't know? How will I proceed with my plans?!"

"I'll contact you once I'm done." Code then ended the call.

Richard attempted to call him back, but he was already out of reach. He cursed loudly, realizing there was no way to find Code again.