Lin Sanju

 A/n: This chapter is fixed. Thank you so much for understanding and waiting. *kisses*


Butler Xin brought an unexpected visitor to Bei Sangyun's study room.

Bei Sangyun leaned languidly in her chair, raising an eyebrow at the unexpected guest.

"What brings you here so late in the day, Lin Sanju?"

Lin Sanju took a deep breath, wasting no words as he went straight to the point. "I am here to ask you a favor."

"A favor?" Bei Sangyun was surprised. She suddenly laughed, "You are well aware of our situation. What makes you think I will grant you a favor when we are both each other's enemies?"

Bei Sangyun was truly surprised when Lin Sanju came to visit her. The third and fourth branches had strict competition, making the fourth branch resent Bei Sangyun the most. Likewise, Bei Sangyun had once despised the fourth branch due to their hateful schemes and plots against her.