Late nigh phone call

The moon was full tonight. Inside the inconspicuous building of the Fei mansion, Fei Chuan was busy working on his laptop when a call suddenly broke the silence around him.

Fei Chuan let it ring. He had been bombarded with many phone calls ever since the homecoming dance ended. Despite his efforts to keep his contact number private, some resourceful people still managed to obtain it.

Fei Chuan rejected all invitations and kept a low profile after exposing himself to that event. Some understood that he wasn't interested in expanding his influence and left him after a few tries. However, there were some stubborn people who persisted in trying to contact him.

One of them was his rude cousin, Fei Min. Fortunately, Fei Min was out of the country and could not bother him personally. If he had been here, he would have barged into his place and disturbed his peace.