Fei Chuan the Male god

The cafeteria buzzed with energy today. Even the typically quiet back corner which was usually isolated and silent, was now bustling with a crowd of enthusiastic female students.

They gathered around a single table, each holding a 'tribute' in their hands.

"Fei Chuan, I baked these chocolates with the assistance of a master baker. I hope you like them."

"I crafted this myself, just for you."

"Fei Chuan, please accept this bento box. I made it with a lot of love!"

The girls pushed aside each other and eagerly presented their gifts to the man, who was doing his best to ignore his surroundings and focus on his meal.

Fei Chuan set down his chopsticks, only having eaten half of his food. How could he enjoy his meal with these girls fawning over him and disrupting the peace?

He shot them a warning glare, but much to his surprise, it didn't drive the girls away. Instead, they squealed with excitement and became even more enthusiastic.