A Competition- A Bet

Fei Chuan didn't fully grasp her intention, but he was willing to assist Bei Sangyun in whatever way he could.

[What do you need help with?] he wrote.

[Studying,] Bei Sangyun replied.

Fei Chuan was momentarily puzzled. Bei Sangyun was already proficient in her studies—what could she possibly need his help with?

Bei Sangyun noticed the confusion on Fei Chuan's face and couldn't help but smile as she wrote: 

[I don't enjoy studying, but I think I can have fun if I'm with you. Will you study with me?]

Fei Chuan's expression remained unreadable as he processed her words.

He couldn't shake the feeling that Bei Sangyun had concocted this study proposition as a pretext to spend more time with him.

After a moment of contemplation, Fei Chuan considered his workload. He was currently swamped with tasks after impressing a major client who had referred him to others.