Using him?

"Truth," Lin Sunji replied.

Her tactic was to avoid drinking that disgusting sake by consistently choosing 'Truth'.

Zhong Cheng had anticipated this. After a moment of consideration, he decided to ask something he believed Lin Sunji could answer—a question that also piqued his curiosity.

"Why did you change your mind and ask for help from me?" 

Zhong Cheng's question intrigued Bei Sangyun.

She raised an eyebrow, regarding Lin Sunji with disbelief. The prideful Lin Sunji had asked Zhong Cheng, someone she looked down upon, for help?

Did the sun rise from the west?

Lin Sunji was caught off guard by the question. Meeting Bei Sangyun's disbelieving gaze, she felt embarrassed. Of all the things Zhong Cheng could have asked, he chose this one!

It was supposed to be their secret!

How could she answer this question with Bei Sangyun present? She still had her pride and dignity to uphold!