Fei Chuan's fear

Bei Sangyun was staring out of the window at the changing scenery, her face expressionless and her aura suffocating.

It was obvious she was angry.

Just a moment ago, she had been the happiest person in the world, believing that Fei Chuan had opened his heart to her and accepted her feelings.

All night, all she could think about was how their relationship would change from now on. She had been eagerly anticipating meeting Fei Chuan to talk about their feelings. She had imagined them becoming a couple like the lovers she saw on TV, getting closer to Fei Chuan as much as she desired.

But she hadn't expected Fei Chuan to pretend that he didn't remember any of it.

It would have been better if he had said he didn't like the kiss. At least then she would know the problem was just the kiss. But for him to pretend it hadn't happened meant that Fei Chuan regretted it.

He regretted kissing her.