As campus couple?

A/n: This chapter has been fixed. Thank you for waiting.


The morning event made the entire school lively.

Everywhere Bei Sangyun and Fei Chuan went, they were greeted by students with a series of congratulations. Some were so enthusiastic that they even waved hand banners with their names on them.

Bei Sangyun was speechless.

She certainly loved that the whole school knew she was in a relationship with Fei Chuan. But experiencing it like this... was somehow different from what she had imagined.

In the end, the couple decided to avoid the crowd and went to the library.

Fei Chuan led Bei Sangyun to the farthest corner. He brought his laptop and took some textbooks from the shelves.

Bei Sangyun watched him open the books in front of her, "Are you seriously going to study?"