Not over my dead body

She was at cold war with Lin Fei because of that. But later on, she had no choice but to return to him after the incident with the Simon family. Her anger fueled her to swallow his methods and become the person he wanted her to be.

Cold, unfeeling, cruel, and heartless.

The birth of the true tyrant.

Bei Sangyun faced him and scoffed, "I am no longer your toy, Lin Fei. You don't have to manipulate and hone me to become your perfect tool. As for our 'alliance,' only an eleven-year-old would agree to that."

Lin Fei's eyebrow jumped. This was the first time Bei Sangyun had mentioned their 'alliance' from back then.

He blocked her way, "You're backing out? Is it because you were hurt by what I said? I told you, it is for your own good—"