I'll take care of you

Bei Sangyun stared at him unblinkingly, trying to carve this image into her mind. Fei Chuan looked so adorable right now that she wanted to poke those red cheeks.

But since he was sick, she couldn't be naughty.

She lifted the tray. "I came because my boyfriend is sick. Anyway, I haven't eaten yet. Let's eat together."

Fei Chuan stood frozen. Maid Yan seized the opportunity and gently pushed the door wider, allowing Bei Sangyun to enter smoothly.

Bei Sangyun unceremoniously stepped into his bedroom, found a table, and set the tray down. She placed the two bowls next to each other and began ladling soup into each one.

Fei Chuan still stood by the door, struggling to believe that Bei Sangyun had appeared in his bedroom.

"I heard you haven't eaten yet. Let's eat together. Sit down," Bei Sangyun said.

Fei Chuan turned to find Maid Yan already gone. He hesitated, his hand still on the doorknob.