The Condition

"I heard they came offering a negotiation. But you never told us what they were negotiating about," the First Elder asked.

"First Elder, there's no need to negotiate with those bastards. They are the perpetrators; how dare they mock us even more after what their member did to us?"

"Right, First Elder. There's no need to mention the negotiation. I'm sure they are just making ridiculous demands, such as letting the matter go and forgetting it happened. We are not pushovers for them to bully us like this."

"That's right. The Lin family should pay. We should not accept any of their demands!"

The others chimed in, showing their disgust and hatred towards the Lin family's attempt to send a peacemaker.

"I understand that you are all angry. I am angry as well. The Lin family humiliated us deeply. But, I still want to know: what do they want from us? Perhaps we can use this to our advantage."