Never Wanted

The smoke from the steaming tea rose, filling the study with its rich aroma.

Lin Ginxian was left alone in the room. Ignoring the tea on the table, he walked over to one of the hidden compartments on the shelves. From it, he retrieved a half-full bottle of expensive wine.

He often drank when he needed to think deeply, so he always kept a bottle in this secret place. The last time he had taken a drink from it was when he was reviewing the information Bei Sangyun had given him.

To think he would drink from the same bottle because of his daughter once again.

Lin Ginxian admitted to himself that he was not a good father and that he was a violent man.

Violence was his outlet for frustration. Since childhood, he had coped by breaking things, smashing everything in sight. This was why he never intended to be a father. How could a man flawed in both mind and heart be responsible for another life?