Looking for a cure

However, her confidence began to waver when, the next day, Fei Chuan still hadn't regained consciousness. Worse, he started coughing up blood.

Bei Sangyun had fallen asleep beside him, but she was abruptly woken by strange sounds coming from his direction. When she looked up, she saw Fei Chuan convulsing with violent coughs. Then, a trickle of blood seeped from his mouth.

All traces of sleepiness vanished. Bei Sangyun immediately helped Fei Chuan sit up, terrified that he might choke on his own blood. Though his eyes remained closed, he continued to cough instinctively, blood still flowing from his mouth.

As Bei Sangyun watched the blood continuously trickle from the corner of his lips, her heart pounded with fear. No matter how much she wiped it with her sleeve, the blood kept flowing.

"...Fei Chuan, oh god... so much blood..."

His coughing grew weaker and weaker, yet the amount of blood pouring from his mouth increased.