Dare to touch what's mine

The loud clang of the cell gate echoed through the entire floor.

"Inmate 012, come out."

Lin Zhe, who was sitting on the floor in his prison uniform, looked up with hope.

Had his parents finally found a way to get him out?

His cellmate spat on the ground. "Rich people always get it easy."

Lin Zhe's face twisted with disgust. Since he believed he wouldn't be staying here any longer, he sneered at the speaker. "And filthy people like you are always unlucky. Enjoy your time here—it's where you belong."

His cellmate, enraged, lunged at him, but the guards quickly restrained the man with force.

Lin Zhe smirked and followed the prison guards, the proud look on his face returning. Despite losing this time because of that fool Xingyu, he believed he could turn things around. First, he needed to recover the money that had been taken from him.