Assistant Cheng still remembered the day he was reunited with Fei Chuan.
He had first met him four years ago, in a place far from Country C.
Cheng Li had been the chess champion of his village. He managed to enter the number-one high school in the city, and graduated with flying colors. He had been given the opportunity to study abroad on a full scholarship. With ambition burning in his heart, he left River Village, left his country, and set out to chase his dreams.
However, in the sea of brilliant minds, he was only average. No—he was below average. Compared to the privileged kids who could afford tutors to teach them the language, culture, and other skills, Cheng Li had no choice but to learn on his own, at his own pace.
Gradually, the brilliance he had once exuded as the top of his class began to fade. He became just another struggling student, barely keeping up with his studies and the lifestyle of his peers.
That was until he met Fei Chuan.