Chapter 4:escape

I again looked at her door her screams beginning to drown in the cries and crackles of the old building burning down. I had a decision to make. But I stood frozen in decision and fearful because I was only human... "I was only human" the words stretched into the far corners of my mind repeating through echoes of what seemed like a endless emptiness. My fists clenched white and my mind began to race with memories. I was more than that; human was mother Sagorian and the way she treated us with brutality. Human was every boring person in this village with no personality or even a single unique thought. Human was allowing this orphanage to consume one's life like it did to every other child trapped and enclosed behind these walls. Bellivia wasn't one of them...she was like me and Elijah...

I began to move towards her door as quickly as i could, hopping on the floorboards that had not been consumed by the blue flame. My eyes never left the door for one moment as I moved toward it, watching the smoke climb and hearing the voice behind it grow more tired and sickly in the passing seconds. I reached for the door a single finger touching it as i screamed Bellivia's name out into the dead hallway. Blue veins started to build themselves along the door way eating up whatever they could. In seconds the door fell into blue embers and ash revealing the tired smoke filled girl behind it. Bellivia collapsed onto me her body pale and her skin coated in sweat. I looked down to her weak body and felt myself begin to drown in guilt. I shook my thoughts and feelings of guilt away, I couldn't feel like that. I needed to save us both.

The smoke had consumed her lungs like a deadly virus; her breath had been stolen from her. I pulled her body up with a struggle and hung the pale corpse over my shoulders. She was heavy for a girl just bigger than me, I felt as though I was drowning in pale skin and blue material. I began to try move toward the end of the passageway the fire had eaten up most of the floorboards showing the floor below and how it kept consuming the hell house further. A smile crept onto my face as I moved along watching the blue flames eat up the life I once had. I came to a jerking halt as I had reached a horrifying problem. The floor just metres from the stairwell had been burnt away leaving a great hole. On one end I stood holding Bellivia on my shoulders her unconscious body melting over mine and feeling more and more heavy as time passed. But the other end was lined with a thin rafter and a small doorway revealing the only escape we had. I pulled the corpse down from my shoulders and looked at her face; her pale body shuddered as though it knew I watched it. I gently stroked her cheek that was just beginning to grow to a light rose colour. I looked to the doorway it threatened its distance but I was not fearful. My shaking arms brought her closer to me as I shifted to face the right side wall, I knew that what I was about to do was going to save her but block the doorway until she woke. I didn't have time for that my mind fought brainstorming other ideas. Before I could think and worry more I threw her dead weight and her body slid right into the doorway. A laugh of joy escaped my mouth as I realized I had saved her.

My body filled with bravery and adrenaline I stepped a few steps back the floorboards screaming under my weight. A smile painted my face as I began to sprint toward the doorway the hole gaining distance as I ran. As I reached the edge of the hole I leapt into the air reaching over the hole...almost... my body began to fall to fast as I was so close to the other end, fear began to infect itself into my brain. My arms reached and grabbed onto the rafter my body following its momentum hit onto the wall sending pain up into me.

I held tight as I looked down into darkness and blue flames, I could not see what was happening on the floor below me. I tried to pull myself up but my arms gave in to the idea of carrying more weight. Bellivia was still, lying as a corpse and would never be able to help me. My arms and lungs screaming in pain holding my weight. They began to grow weak and shaky from holding my weight, fear suffocating me and pushing up tears of pain. I couldn't hold much longer and the hopes that someone would saved me had been burnt away just as this house was burning away. A fraction of my memories would leave me behind; this place would never hurt anyone or haunt me again.

I smiled at the thought that finally we were free. Not away from harm but free of any ties to this orphanage. I saved a life worth living, a life that seemed boring and lifeless but was in secret the most exciting one. Hidden behind a mask of fear and sadness lay secrets that needed to be told. Whereas my life was like every single youngling in this house. I smiled up at the doorway my arms giving in. I felt into the darkness as it consumed me, making what you could see disappear into a memory. I knew I was not human because human was something I could never be. Human is someone who could never do what I did... feel as though you could set fire to the world in a second and then actually do it. That was something amazing and definitely not human.
