Princess Vivi

Moments later, Yuna and Nami left the building, leaving the fight to Zoro, while Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp continued sleeping.

Minutes later, the duo entered the city's biggest building under the assumption that it held the most wealth. Unfortunately, Whiske Peak didn't have a bank that could conveniently be robbed nor a Marine Base, which would make a good target as well, forcing them to use such a crude method to choose their first target.

Minutes later, the duo found a somewhat promising room with its walls covered with quite a few paintings, indicating that there was a good chance that some wealth was hidden in there.

Obviously, there was a good chance that the paintings themselves were worth some money, but neither Yuna nor Nami had any idea about that, nor did they have any clue where to sell them or how to transport them in the first place. In conclusion, it was too much trouble for the duo to bother.

Scanning the room, Yuna quickly zeroed in on the painting behind a sturdy-looking office desk and took it off the wall, revealing a safe embedded in the wall, causing her to smirk.

Nami, on the other hand, scanned the room as well, but instead of removing a painting, she pulled away the large carpet covering large parts of the room, revealing a trap door that led to who knows where.

""A classic.""

Speaking simultaneously, Yuna and Nami's gazes met, causing the duo to smile as they both had found something hidden.

Moments later, Nami's hands vanished inside a hidden pocket of her clothes, pulling out lockpicking equipment, while Yuna simply flicked her wrist, causing multiple lockpicks to form out of ice. Seconds later, both of them had their heads firmly placed on the hidden compartments they found, listening to the sounds the lock was making while they were wiggling around their lockpicking tools.

"Say, Yuna, why do you even know how to do this? Didn't you say you were some kind of big shot in your previous life?"

Continuing to move her lockpick, resulting in a satisfying click, Yuna nodded her head while shrugging her shoulders.

"Technically, I wasn't born a big shot; I became one. However, due to the world I live in, learning... click Nice, click out of three... Anyway, how to sneak around and break into places was rather important, which is why I picked up all kinds of stealth-related skills."

Nami hummed in acknowledgment as her lock produced a little click as well, making her eyes shine. She was close, very close.

A few moments later, both locks produced a loud click simultaneously, meaning that they were both open now.

Nami used some strength to open the rather heavy trapdoor she had just opened, revealing a set of stairs that went downward, while Yuna easily pulled open the small metal door of the wall safe she had just opened.

"Oi, come take a look, Nami."

When Yuna called her, Nami ignored the freshly revealed set of stairs and walked over to Yuna to see the safe's contents.

"I've found about 3 Million Beli and a bunch of gold trinkets, the worth of which I have no clue about."

Humming in acknowledgment, Nami approached Yuna and peered over her shoulder into the safe, a smirk appearing on her face.

"Are you sure you want to tell me that you don't know how much the gold is worth? What if I scam you?"

Hearing Nami's question, Yuna chuckled in amusement as she lightly took Nami's chin and moved her head so the duo's eyes met.

"Well, you can try if you want, but if I find out about it... hehe, I might have to demand..."

Yuna moved her own head forward, resulting in the duo's noses almost touching as she sensually licked her lips.

"...additional compensation~"

A shiver went down Nami's spine as a healthy blush appeared on her face while she simultaneously backed away from Yuna, fearing that she would eat her up on the spot.

"You really are a degenerate, aren't you?"

"Huh? Why are you asking that question? Haven't I already answered that? You need to listen properly when people are speaking, Nami."

Yet again rolling her eyes at Yuna, Nami took a deep breath, suppressing some of the red covering her cheeks before taking another look into the safe Yuna had just opened.

"Anyway, let me take a look at what we have found. Mhh, if I had to guess, the contents of this safe are worth around 10 Million Beli. It's not too shabby, but it's not great either. Frankly, I was expecting a little more from the Grand Line."

Seeing a hint of disappointment in Nami's words, Yuna shrugged her shoulders and patted her back.

"Mah, there's no need to be depressed. This is just the first island, and I'm sure there will be all kinds of... lucrative places to... acquire some money. Besides that, don't we still have the secret path to explore?"

The moment Yuna mentioned the skill unexplored underground passage, Nami's eyes started shining, looking forward to what they might find down there.

The duo quickly made their way down, but the moment they reached the end of the stairs, Nami sighed in defeat while Yuna smiled brightly.

"Sigh What a disappointment."

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, Nami? This is a jackpot!"

"Urgh, maybe for an alcoholic like you."

"Yup, that's right~"

A wine cellar! The place hidden underneath the carpet was actually a wine cellar. However, it only had a few dozen bottles of wine, each looking fancier than the previous. Clearly, everything in here was of the highest quality.

That being said, Yuna quickly made an ice container to carry all the bottles and started loading them under Nami's disinterested gaze, who was only rolling her eyes again and again.

Minutes later, the duo emerged from the stairs and returned to the office they had just broken into. They were about to discuss which place they would rob next when a loud rumbling reached them.

"Zoro sure is putting in some work, huh?"

Nodding in agreement with Nami's words, Yuna sharpened her senses so she could better hear what was going on. However, as soon as she got a rough understanding of the situation, a conflicted expression appeared on her face#

"Seems like Luffy woke up as well."

"Oh? Isn't that a good thing? Seems like there will be no problems with cleaning up this place."

"Yeah, that would indeed be the case if the one Luffy was attacking wasn't Zoro."

"Haa? Why would he do that?"

"No clue. They are a little too far away for me to figure everything out, but from the few snippets of dialog I could pick up, Luffy is angry at Zoro for some reason."

Hearing that, Nami pinched the bridge of her nose while sighing deeply. No matter how she looked at it, there was no doubt that some kind of stupid misunderstanding had resulted in the two idiots fighting. That, or an enemy, had managed to trick them into fighting each other somehow.

"Sigh It can't be helped. Since we already harvested the biggest fish, let's see what these two idiots are doing."

Nodding her head in agreement, Yuna followed Nami out of the building toward where the sound of battle could be heard. However, as the duo was moving, an explosion occurred nearby, followed by a slightly charred Igarappoi who was holding Miss Wednesday in his arms, protecting her, landing a few meters in front of Yuna and Nami.

'Oh? An internal conflict?'

Moments later, a man with black curly hair, sunglasses, and dark skin appeared. His goal was clearly Miss Wednesday and Igarappoi.

"Princess Vivi of Alabasta and the Head of the Alabasta Royal Guard Igaram. You two sure have hidden yourself well."

Hearing those titles, Yuna and Nami were both rather surprised. Neither had expected that this small island would hide away royalty.

'I see; that's why Miss Wednesday, or rather Vivi, showed a bit of a reaction when Sanji called her princess. She actually was one! But I really wonder why a princess is out here in the boonies playing bounty hunter?'

As those thoughts passed through Yuna's head, the still-dazed Igaram noticed Yuna and Nami, causing him to think about his current situation. Following that, a determined look appeared on Igaram's face as he hurriedly approached the duo.

"You have a high bounty, so you must be strong, right? Please, I'm begging you, protect Princess Vivi!"

"Hehe, sure~"

Hearing those words from Nami, Yuna looked at her in surprise, but moments later, she could only facepalm as Nami's eyes had already turned into Beli.

"That will be onebillion Beli~"

"B-B-B... cough Mah~Mah~ Mah~ ONEBILLION!?"

"Hehe~ We are saving your country's princess, after all. Shouldn't it be at least that much~"

Sweat poured down Igaram's back, as he didn't know how he was supposed to respond to that. He was just a Guard Captain! There is no way he had the authority to make such a promise. Additionally, Alabasta is close to a civil war, so money was rather tight in the first place.

While Igaram was indecisive about how to answer, Vivi gritted her teeth as she glared at Nami.

"We'll pay! Our country is in a crisis, so procuring that much money won't be easy, but we'll do it somehow if you can safely bring me home."

Naturally, Nami was elated hearing that promise; the Beli's her eyes had turned into shining even brighter.

"Great! Yuna, finish this guy."

A smug expression appeared on Nami's face as she was pointing her finger at the enemy.

"Nah, don't wanna~"

Hearing Yuna's answer, Nami froze, looking at Yuna in disbelief. However, she quickly realized that she was asking Yuna to fight a potentially dangerous opponent just for the sake of her greed, causing her to smile sheepishly.

Realizing that she had no way to make Yuna fight, Nami awkwardly scratched her as she stuck out her tongue, forming a cheeky smile.

"Hehe, how about I give you another kiss if y..."

"Alright, I accept!"


The moment Nami made that offer, clearly not expecting Yuna to accept, Yuna accepted instantly, dumbfounding Nami.

'She is willing to go to battle just for a little kiss? Seriously, what is going on in that woman's head?'

Luckily for Nami, she did not know the level of degeneracy that was going on in Yuna's head as Yuna stepped forward, facing the black-haired man, who currently had one of his fingers digging deep into one of his nostrils for some reason.

"Well, you heard the lady. I'll take you down, Nose-Picking-Guy."

Instead of answering, the man pulled his finger out of his nose, revealing a booger on top of it. Without commenting any further, he flicked the booger at Yuna, causing her to scrunch up her face in disgust.

She tilted her head, allowing the booger to sail past her. The moment it came close to her, it was frozen solid, preventing it from exploding and confusing the man.

After all, he had eaten the Bomu Bomu no Mi, turning himself into a Bomb Human, allowing him to generate explosions from every part of his body. As for why he had chosen to turn his boogers into bombs... no one knew.

"Mhh? Weird, why didn't it explode? Oh well, it must have been a dud. Anyway, I'm Mister 5, and you better hand over Princess Vivi, or there will be consequences."

As soon as Mister 5 stopped speaking, his finger yet again sank into one of his nostrils, causing Yuna's eyebrows to twitch in irritation.

'Is this weirdo going to throw another one of his boogers at me? Yeah, I don't think so.'

Before Mister 5 could find more "ammunition," Yuna lowered her body and charged at him far faster than he could react.

From Mister 5's perspective, Yuna simply vanished the moment he felt like he dug up another piece of ammunition, and before he could fire it at Yuna, he felt a fist smashing into his stomach, almost causing him to puke.

Mister 5 fell to his knees, holding his stomach in pain, and not even a second later, Yuna grabbed the back of his head and smashed his face into the ground, knocking him unconscious.

Meanwhile, Vivi and Igaram could only stare at Yuna in utter bewilderment due to her knocking out one of Baroque Works' supposedly strongest members.

Nami, on the other hand, nodded in approval while feeling a little cheated as well.

'The hell was that supposed to be? What, Mister 5? Did I hear wrong, and this guy was actually Mister 50? What a small fry! No wonder Yuna was satisfied with just a kiss! She knew that guy was a pushover!'

As those thoughts passed her mind, Yuna couldn't help but look at Igaram in disdain.

'Aren't you supposed to be some big-shot guard of some kind of kingdom? Why are you getting bullied by someone who only knows how to pick his nose?'

Of course, Nami didn't say her thoughts out loud, after all, Vivi and Igaram owned Nami money! No need to offend them for now.

Feeling greed radiating from Nami, Yuna only shook her head and approached Vivi, who was still sitting on the ground while looking at Yuna in a daze.

A beautiful smile radiating kindness appeared on Yuna's face as she stretched her hand toward Vivi.

"Can you stand, princess?"

Vivi blushed a little as she saw Yuna's smile and heard her question. She took Yuna's hand so she could help her stand up.

"Y-Yes, thank you."

"No problem and I'll be protecting you for now, so let's get along~"


[Already attacking, huh?]

'Kurama, I'm always attacking.'

[Can't really argue against that.]