03: The Offer


"I'm not interested in whatever it is you're selling," Alex said, passing the man. A few paces from him, he turned not sure as to what he had heard him say. "What did you say?"

"I said, how would you like to earn three thousand dollars every week just by playing video games?" The expression on the man's face was serious, but Alex chuckled nonetheless.

"I don't have time for this, okay? Meet some other teen who would believe your insane offer." Alex turned back to locate his bicycle.

"If you agree, you'll get a five thousand dollar signing bonus. Instantly."

Okay, now Alex was confused. He had been approached by a lot of guys offering him mind-blowing jobs but none had ever offered a dollar for taking their offer. Rather they would ask him to pay a certain sum as proof of their agreement; an obvious sign that they were con artists. This man was the first and he wasn't offering a single dollar, he was offering five thousand.

Alex held his bicycle and returned to the strange man. He looked him in the eyes and saw that he was being serious.

"What you're offering sounds too good to be true." Alex was about to walk away when the man's words stopped him.

"I understand your doubts." The man brought out a little card from his breast pocket and presented it to Alex. "Here's my business card. I work for a gaming company known as Mosh Games. It is a certified legit company. If you have a phone, you can check and confirm for yourself."

Alex glanced at his watch and let out a sigh. He knew he had to leave for his shift, but something was compelling about the man's words that made him want to know more. After all, if this was actually legit, he wouldn't have to work at the restaurant any longer.

"Tell me more."

The man smiled, having gained Alex's attention.

"Mosh Games has opened a new department where unique games would be developed. We are currently looking for eight individuals willing to playtest our games and give us feedback in exchange for money so-"

"I'm in." Alex rambled, cutting the man off. His eyes were on the card in his hands.

The business card had the seal of Platinum Industries so Alex figured Mosh Games was in partnership with the multi-billion-dollar corporation. He was a poor orphan but everyone in the city knew of Platinum Industries. They were one of the biggest entertainment corporations in the country.

"Excuse me?"

"I said I'm in. Is there going to be an interview or something?" Alex's voice came out rushed and curious.

"Great. I'll inform my superiors. Your name please?"


"Is that your surname or your first name?"

"My first name."

"And the other?"

"I'm an orphan." The glint in Alex's eyes went down as those words exited his mouth.

"Okay. I'm Agent Smith."

They shook hands and then the man swiped open his phone. While asking Alex a few questions, he filled out an application form.

"How old are you?"


"I've sent your application. Tomorrow by nine o'clock in the morning, come to the address on the back of the card. Alone." Agent Smith emphasized the word 'Alone'. "The Game Master will conduct a little test to filter the applicants for the best suitable eight. If you pass, then you can move on to signing the contract and getting the five-thousand-dollar bonus."

"Alright. Thanks a lot," Alex said, taking his hands for another handshake.

"Alexander, I should be the one thanking you. Since morning, I've roamed the city and you are the first person to actually take my offer seriously. I'm glad I won't be reporting an empty file to my supervisor."

With all said and done, Alex parted ways with the agent. He hurried to the restaurant and got there just in time for his shift. All the while he had cycled, the words of the strange middle-aged man echoed in his mind. A job paying three thousand dollars weekly with a five grand bonus.

By his calculations, that would mean he would be earning a hundred and fifty-six grands a year and by extent, he would've earned more than a million dollars at the end of the seven years. He would have the money to pay for Laura's medications, settle the debts in the hospital and the bank and buy Laura's cure. This was a golden opportunity and his optimistic mind assured him that he would get the job.

Whatever it was that the Game Master was required from an applicant, Alex convinced himself that he had it.

"Alex, get over here." The sound of his boss' voice brought Alex out of the clouds he was lost in. Alex was called to his boss's office. "You're unusually happy today. Is there something I ought to be aware of?"

"I came along with something too good to be true, and it so happened that it was true," Alex replied with a smile. "Can you believe-"

"I don't care what happened to you, so keep it to yourself."

"Can I sit? I've been standing at the door for half an hour now. I could really use-"

"No. Don't. I don't want your foul smell affecting one of my very expensive chairs."

"Sir, is everything alright? Have I done something wrong?" The worry in Alex's voice was clear.

"No, you haven't. I just want to let you know that starting next month, your pay will be taken down by thirty-five percent. These are harsh times, so I can't pay you as high as before," Mr. Raymond said toying with a pencil on his table.

Alex's heart sank at hearing those words. He didn't earn a lot from his morning deliveries. If not for his earnings here, he wouldn't even have enough to buy Laura's medication at the end of the month and talk more about the other bills he helps out with at the orphanage. Now his boss wanted to reduce his pay?

"Sir, please reconsider," Alex pleaded, as calmly as he could. "You know I'm an orphan, and I really need the money to get by."

"I don't care how hard you think your life is. My mind is already made up, Alex. You either accept it or resign." His boss stood firm with his greed-based decision. "You can leave now."

Today's five hours at work were slower than usual. It took Alex a while to accept the reality that he might have to quit working here and find somewhere with better pay. After a hectic night waiting tables, Alex retired back to the orphanage at a few minutes past nine.

Alex met Laura still asleep, and spent some minutes in her room. He told her about his day, leaving apart the events at school and highlighting his application for a decent job at a gaming company that would pay him three thousand dollars a week. He shared the sushi he brought with the younger orphan kids. As he lay on his bed thinking about his future, he couldn't help but shed some tears. He knew that life, as unadopted orphans, was going to be very hard for him and Laura. He was used to being treated like trash, but now it was going to affect Laura as well. He looked out the window of his room from his bed. The moon was as full as it could get. Staring at it, he said some silent words.

"I wish for a chance to build a better life."