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Later in the night…

Drussilla sat on a chair beside Fortune's bed as she read a bedtime story to her.

The more she read, the more the girl was slowly giving in to sleep. Whenever her eyelids closed, she would open them immediately so she could keep staring at her precious mother.

But after several attempts to stay awake, she finally succumbed to sleep.

A smile played on Drussilla's lips and she closed the book before staring at Fortune, sleeping peacefully.

She carefully dropped the book on the desk beside her daughter's bed before leaning in to plant a light kiss on Fortune's head.

The girl was so adorable and Drussilla felt the urge to just squeeze her in her arms and rain kisses on every part of her face. She adjusted the blanket and touched her daughter's hair while admiring her one last time before turning off the room light.

She stepped out of the room and closed the door gently before heading to her room.