Chapter 81: Battle



The bullet hit the Origin Dragon's arm, blowing off one of the arms.

"Yes! That worked." Zaine shouted.

The Origin Goblin nodded in agreement. 

"Let's continue."



Three minutes ago...

"Alright! I have seen the Origin Dragon movement and the defensive abilities." Said the Origin Goblin.

"I think I have a good grasp of how it works."

"First, do you trust me..." Ask the Origin Goblin.

"Yes." Answered Zaine.

"Okay, so when the Origin Dragon shoots out its black matter, the barrier around its body temporarily disappears."

"This is because, unlike me, he coats himself in the black matter. So, whenever he unleashes an attack, the black matter from its barrier will be taken to the attack, making its body vulnerable to attacks."

"There is, however, another theory. But we'll try this first. If this fails, I'll tell you the second method."

"Ready?" Ask the Origin Goblin.