Chapter: 10 Too young for you?

Milan was looking at them from the window..

She saw Soojee kissing the candy...

Milan was standing outside the door for her..

When she came to the door her mother said:

"Why did you go outside at this hour??"

Soojee replied simply: "What's the problem?"

"Come with me".

Milan dragged her into her room and locked the door.

" Sit here!"

Soojee sat on her bed. she couldn't understand what was happening...

Milan took a deep breath and sat beside her:

"Soojee, let me give you a piece of advice..

Listen, liking someone is a very beautiful thing.

But you need to wait for the right time to like the right person.✨"

Soojee: "Mom, what are you talking about? I can't understand..."

Milan laughed at her peacefully, then said:

"Where did you get this candy?"

Soojee hesitated at first, then said:

Suha__.. um... I mean brother Suhan was passing by me. Then he just gave it to me."

"I was also like you when I was a kid.." Milan said with a smiley face.

Soojee: "What__?

Milan: "Do you like him??"

Soojee lowered her head and said the truth cause she never lied with her mother..

"Yes, I like him... But__."

Milan: "Calm down... You did nothing wrong, it's normal to like someone your age.. But you need to control Yourself."

Milan patted on Soojee's head, then said:

"Soojee, you are too young. Right now, you just need to study and work hard for your future goals.

So, you have to remove the feelings that you have for him..."

Soojee: "But mom, I really like him. And I want to marry him when I'm grown up."

Soojee's childish attitude made Milan laugh:

"Ooh! Soojee... you are still so young but he?

he's going to study in university next year..

How will you marry him? He's too older than you.."

Soojee: "But he's cool and I like him that's all."

Milan sighed, then said: Okay, do whatever you "want when you will grow up. But you need to listen to this annoying mother for now.."

Soojee smiled at her: "Mom, I will study hard, work hard and listen to you.

Then I will pursue after him."

Mom: "Okay, but you need to forget him for now".

Soojee: " Mom don't worry, I will hold my feelings for him but..."

Milan: "But?"

Soojee: "But..., he will belong to my memory..." 💖

(They both laughed!)

And This is how a mother and daughter's relationship should be.❤️


One day after school, Soojee was standing at the entrance of her school. Because it was raining and she didn't have an umbrella....

But it was getting dark, so she decided to go through the rain.

When she was about to go, suddenly someone held an umbrella on her head.

She looked up surprisingly and

saw a handsome guy.....

The guy was Suhan!

"You shouldn't walk in the rain. You may catch a cold

Soojee blinked several times then said, "what are you doing here?"

Then Suhan replied: "I've finished my work and I'm going home now. Do you want to come with me?'

Soojee nodded her head with joy: "Yeah, sure!"

Then, they both started to walk under the umbrella through rain.

But Soojee Couldn't take her eyes off of him.

she kept looking at him in fascination ✨

Suddenly, Suhan spoke out: "Soojee, is there any subject that you find difficult to understand??"

Soojee: "No. But why?"

Suhan: "I just want to find tuition. Cause the money I get from the bakery shop, is not enough for my uncle".

Suddenly Soojee switched her words!

" Suhan, I'm actually very slow in mathematics and English is also very hard for me..

So, my mom was looking for a tutor recently..


Suhan: "Do you want me to give

you tutorial classes?"

Soojee: "It will be great to have a tutor like you..."

Suhan: "Okay, then talk to your parents."

Soojee: "Okay!"

After arriving at home, Soojee quickly went to her mother: "Mom, do you know what number I got on this weekly math exam?? I got only 60 numbers!!

It's so bad, isn't it?!"

But Milan didn't seem to be surprised by her words. Milan simply closed the book she was reading, then said: "So?"

Soojee: "So.... don't you think

I need a good tutor?"

Milan: "I don't think so..."

Milan went to the kitchen by ignoring Soojee.

But Soojee also went to the kitchen with her:

"Mom I'm also not very good at English...

And I___.."

Milan: Stop talking nonsense, tell me what you want actually..."

Soojee lowered her head then said with

a low voice: "If you agree, then Suhan will give me tutorial classes..."

Milan got shocked: "What?!"

Soojee: "Mom! it's just a tution. He'll be my tutor and I'll be his student, that's all. He's very good at math! He can teach me well. It'll be very effective for my study!"

Milan: "Soojee, don't you know our situation?

I can't even give your school fees, how can I give your tuition fees??"

After hearing this, Soojee had nothing to say..

She went to her room quietly.

Tomorrow, at noon, Soojee came back home after school: "Mom, I'm back!".

When she was taking off her shoes then her mom came to her, then said:

"Soojee, I have a surprise for you"
