With my new found form we decided to make a few experiments.
"First things first, are those wings are even useful at anything?"
First test: Can I fly with them?
Pretty much I was only able to lift my self 5 centimeters off the ground and without equipment and only in beginner clothes, I was able to lift my self 8 centimeters, not very impressive.
The second test: Movement.
So, the next thing what we tried was how fast I can fly and it wasn't really that fast. Walking normally was around the same speed.
The next thing we tried was trying to walk and use the wings at the same time, it only made me slightly faster.
Then we tried jumping and using wings and this time we found something. I can use the wings to boost my self while air born, making me travel longer distances and go bit faster. We also tried doing shorts jumps that are mostly used for dodging and it proved to be useful, it doesn't really gives that big of the boost, but it does still make it slightly better that normal one.
The only problem is that it uses SP, so if I were doing this kind of movements nonstop, I would probably lose all of my SP at quick rate. So, I can pretty much I can't use it very often.
I can also use them to glide for a short duration or slow down my falling.
Third test: Wings as part of the body.
So pretty much I can take out and hide my wings without much issue, even when I'm wearing an armor, pretty much my leather armor changes shape when I'm taking them out.
As long as I'm not actively using wings, they don't drain SP or anything, so I can just have them out all the time without the problem.
However, there is a problem with the wings. I asked Hype to attack the to see how durable they were and we found out that they are not very durable. They can easily be damage by direct attacking at them, to make things worse, I take extra damage when they damaged or destroyed. Pretty much they are my weak spot.
They are useful if you really look at it, but it's quite risky as well, because if they got hit when they are out, I'm pretty much screwed.
Next thing we checked was the horn.
First test: Function as the weapon.
So, with the horn, well it's just a rhino beetle horn, it has the split end at the tip. Shape of my entire head changed completely and now I'm unable to wear the helmet that I was using before, so I will have to modify it a bit.
The horn its self is pretty sturdy and attacks from Hype don't do much damage to me if the horn is hit.
We also went to the hunting grounds and I tried using it to hit enemy with it. Honestly saying, it's quite useful, it deal good amount of damage and I can also use it to lock enemy in place if I pin them against the wall.
Pretty much there is nice synergy between the horn and the wings, I can use wings to increase to boost myself and use horn to attack the enemy, I tested it and it was pretty much nice combo.
(Pretty much I'm a tank that can hit heavy when my attacks land, but with slow attack speed.)
(The village here sell the sells iron, but it cost 5 times of the copper price. If I want to craft something using it, I need to buy few extra for experiments and other stuff. So, with my current status I have to focus right now on earning money right now. Kitty said it's just better to quickly level up and head towards where the town should and I think I will agree to her.)
"But first I need let's craft some stuff."
(It's better for me to stay with copper right now before switching to iron, since I still need to do my experiments. I don't have much money on me, so I can't craft a lot or buy tons of copper, meaning I can probably make a short experiment right now, so I have to use monster materials, to see what I can make right now.)
Wild Wolf Fangs.
Monster fangs from wild wolf and forest spider.
Hide from the wild wolf.
Silk from the forest spider.
Poison from the forest spider.
Forest spider legs.
(Those are the stuff I got from monsters. Hype and Kitty are right now looking around the village, trying to find out if there was anything interesting added to the area. So, before they return, I will try crafting some staff from those. The spider fangs are too soft with only sharp pointing end and as for the legs, they are no good either. I can pretty much rip them apart with my bare hands. I'm pretty sure that when we were fighting spiders, only their poison did any real damage to use, the other attack barely did any damage. I don't think I will use them in any way, so I can safely sell them.)
First, let's make a bat.
The failure I made before, that weird with many spikes and blades proven to be not effective, however what if I do that method to the different type of weapon instead?
First, I made a two of bats made out of wood. All of them had attack power of 10-12.
Then I modified all of them, both of them, one with wolf fangs from different monsters and one with copper spikes.
[Wooden Bat With Copper Spikes]
[Attack Power: 16-20]
[Wooden Bat With Wolf Fangs]
[Attack Power: 19-23]
The bat with wolf fangs had a highest attack power, but the one with spider fangs had the lowest attack power. This kind of got me interested.
I went and made few copper spikes and took some wild before putting them all on the table. I hit the fangs and spikes I made with the hammer, with different amount of strength, test something out.
The results were that wild wolf fangs had higher toughest that the copper spikes I made. On top of that I the fang damage and the spike item damage by themselves were different from each other. Fangs had attack power 3 while spikes had 1.
The wolf fangs are better that the copper spikes I made.
The next things is:
How do I use the wild wolf fangs?
I think I got the idea how to.
During my first test with weapons, I tried modifying the copper sword by adding the spike. The first test related to adding a spike to the hilt resulted in two things.
-The damage done by the pommel go increased.
-The overall damage of the weapon got increased.
At first, I was wondering about something. Why was the damage from the hilt dealing not the same amount of damage as the attack power of the weapon?
I went and created a sword hilt with only a spike and its attack power was now 2.
{{I changed it. It wasn't fitting in before a bit ;/.}}
I think I finally understood what the attack power of the item was.
The offensive capabilities of the entire item is combined into one. From pommel, handle, guard and all the way to the blade. When item is fully made the entire attack power of the item is combined.
However, each item part utilize the weapon damage differently, for example blade of the sword can utilize 100% of the item power, however the guard could only deal 1 damage while normal pommel could only 2 damage.
However, when I changed the pommel, not only it attack increased, but it also could utilize more precent of the item total attack power, increasing the damage dealt with pommel by additional 1 point.
It sound stupid and honestly should not work in real life, but this is a game where fantasy is reality.
To prove this stupid theory, I made a copper sword with wolf fang on the pommel and add 1 fang on each side of the guard.
[Copper Sword] [Attack Power: 25-27]
The attack power of the weapon only increased by 5? I though the attack power would increase 9, since each fang has attack power of 3.
Maybe the attack power of the different parts gives different amount of percentages of their attack power, to the total amount to the item? Now that I think about it, the failure with many spikes and blades, only had attack power of 20, even though it had multiple blades and spikes. I think it's related to how much the said part can utilize the item attack power percentages.
Well, I still need to run few more tests, but at least I still got valuable data that can be used when crafting a weapon. The failure prove something else as well, that adding additional means of damage, can hinder performance of the weapon in some areas, resulting in damage decrees and making the weapon over all weaker. So, I need to be careful if I want to put anything on the blade or not.
"It would be quiet boring if I don't make something that is usable, so let's get started."
First, let's change things a bit and change the blade shape, I will make it bit curvier at the end, making it look like a persian blade a bit.
Then, let's add copper a hilt guard and attach to it multiple wolf claws along it and on pommel I will add the wolf fang.
As for the letter of the grip, I will use wolf leather to add bit of nice look.
"…And done!"
[You have created a brand new item! Do you wish to give your brand new item a name? If not, the name will be automatically generated.]
(That is…. New? There wasn't something like this when I made items before, huh.)
"Well, let's go with something simple and go with [Copper Wolf Sword]."
[You have crafted new item.]
[Copper Wolf Sword]
[And sword with a curved blade that possess a hilt guard that has claws of the wolf and wolf fang as well on the pommel.]
[Attack Power: 28-30]
[Restrictions: Minimal User Level 25.]
[Item Tier: 7]
"It has attack power level that great sword and have higher level restriction, but it's one handed weapon. So it's pretty damme good if I say so myself.