Chapter 32: Photosynthesis.

Warning: These Chapters will or may contain depictions of violence, strong language and other mature content that may not be suitable for some readers. 



One major difference between a plant and an animal or human, is that, they can make their own food.

That lies in the structure of their cells. A plant cell has organelles called chloroplasts which store a green pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll traps and absorbs sunlight which allows a plant to photosynthesis.

So what if a plant couldn't photosynthesis anymore and have to hunt down their meals like humans and animals?

Akumas, a specie of mutated plants that have mostly have plant like biology and chemistry, while their structure and habits are shaped by a wild animal, have those characteristics.

Inorder to build a plant, which seem like a human, they had take away photosynthesis from them.

Akumas still have to breathe in carbon dioxide produced by humans and animals, keep established connecting between the two.

But what if a Akuma didn't have to breathe carbon dioxide or neither oxygen? Akumas that could live in outer space, if they had the right body temperature.

Some Akumas have already familiarized themselves with such genes. Also different characteristic like self made armor.

In all honesty, these types of Akumas don't need food to survive, they just do it for fun and sport. And one is brutally hunt down it's other prey.

With it's shiny armored body and bright yellow eyes, will it conjure up a new specie? And how will humanity beat such a threat, and will they even beat them?





"It seems that I'm alone again.." said Toagshi. "Actually, not that alone."

He patted the head of Bark, whom was slumbering on his belly. 

It was currently nightfall. The lack of electricity didn't help the situation, making outside pitch black. The only source of light was the faint moon which was blocked by the dark, thick clouds.

In his tired state, Toagshi let out a yawn and was ready to go to sleep, "*Yawn!*"

The place Toagshi is in was a inn. It was large enough to hold six beds. The only light in the room was from the window; the natural faint light from the moon.

He laid his head on the pillow, and wondered off in his own reality.


Only a second later after closing his eyes, a loud stomp echo from outside Toagshi room.

"*Whimper*" hearing the sound, Bark quickly got up from her slumber.

"Grr!" she began to growl knowing the dangerous entity that is lurking outside.


Another step was taken outside the inn.

Still asleep, Toagshi was unaware of intrusion. 

"*Bark!* while Toagshi was asleep, Bark continued to curse at the unknown entity that lurked behind the door.

In his sleep, Toagshi began to roll continuously. As a effect, Bark was thrown off his belly and inevitably, the bed.

As she fell, Bark swiftly fixed her legs downwards, properly, to land. And luckily, she did.

She turned backwards to look up at Toagshi, who is still sound asleep.

She then whimpered in advance, "*Whimpers*"

Toagshi then started to mumble in his slumber, "Five (5) more minutes, you whore... I don't even want to go to school.."

"How am I going to get a job..?" he mumbled out with a hint of concern and realization. The memory of that inquiry seem to have struck something within him. "Me and my friends will figure something out when the time comes..."

He then took a brief pause before continuing, "You don't like my friends? Their cool.."

"That's because you didn't have friends growing up. Matter of fact, your like those loser-loners that I bully at school.." he continued, with a large source aggression. "What? Of course being a juvenile delinquent is cool, you bitch.."


Hearing another step taken outside in the halls, Bark began to growl in aggressiveness once again, facing the door, "Ggrr!"

While Bark cursed, Toagshi continued with his sleep talking, "That's why dad left your ass. Your such a loser.."

"I'll go to school when I feel like.." said Toagshi. "Are you deaf?"

The aggressiveness in his demeanor suddenly sky rocketed. His body stiffen and his veins began to pop out of his skin. Toagshi gritted his teeth like he was trying to shatter them.

"Leave me alone, mom!!" he shouted. He swung his arms in frustrating at the air and flung his body upwards. As a result, his eyes opened.


He had now waken up from his deep slumber. He glanced at the floor to see Bark growling at the door.

In confusion and hint of lackadaisic, he enquired, "What is it..?"

Bark didn't bother to pay Toagshi any mind and continued to growl at the door.

"Ugh!" he removed his focus from the dog and plopped his body on the bed.

Toagshi then inquired to himself inn frustration, while peering at the ceiling, "Why the fuck did things turn out this way?!"

"With this stupid dog..." he the paused and turned his head to the side of the bed to look at the dog, Bark. She was still growling at the door with complete focus.

Toagshi then continued after seeing this, ".. that doesn't stop growling at.. the fucking door!"

While Toagshi argued, outside he was luring a dangerous entity to where he was to devour him. Toagshi's loud barking, fusion with the dog's own, flooded the hallways with faint echoes.


In a more hastily demeanor, the unknown entity began to march towards where the noises were originating from.



The dark colored entity clutched it's fingers and palm tightly together. It's long, sharp fingers rolled up in it's armed palm as it swung back and forth.

It continued to march towards the location where both Toagshi and Bark were occupying.






"Huh?" Toagshi, who had finally heard the rushing steps rising in noise, stuttered out in confusion. "What was hell was that noise?"

In his moment of confusion, he glanced at Bark, whom was still growling at the door while staring straight at it. Only thing different was that she was sitting down and his attention was undivided.

"Ugh!" Toagshi scoffed in frustration.

He got out of the bed and began to walk towards the door with a furiously demeanor.

He walked towards the door while mumbling something under his breath.

Toagshi then use the bottom of his foot to push the dog, that was standing guard, from infront of the door gently.

"This stupid dog must have have attracted those annoying monsters with his constant barking and yelling."

He then laid his hand on the door knob.

Before twisting it, a thought of relief rushed through his mind.

He then said, "Or maybe it's a human being. You don't know."

"Now I'm straight up talking to myself," said Toagshi.

He then proceeded to twist the door knob with a sense of agency.


Hearing the common 'click' after he twist the door knob, he now knew that the door was opened. He pushed open the door slowly, because he still had doubts if it was a human or a monster.


After he pushed open the door, he quickly peered outside.

First he look where the door wasn't blocking; the right. Their was neither a human or a creature. Only thing was there was the long and dark hallway.

The atmosphere in the building suddenly and tremendously changed.

"Wait..?" Toagshi said realizing the drift.

With a hint of concern, he inquired, "Why is out here so hot, all of a sudden??!"

It was indeed that the corridor was producing and flowing with warm heat. And also a scent.

"Ugh..?!" Toagshi said scornfully. He pinched his nose shut before continuing, "And that smell. Did a rat die?"

Toagshi later walked forward, only a two (2) steps forth. He then peered behind the door to see if anyone or anything was there, or dead because of the smell.

He was in full doubt that anyone or thing was around there though.

He then continued with his scornful speech, "It smells familiar."

A past memory then came forth in his mind.

"Oh," he said I realization. "It smells like that kid after we stoned him and his forehead burst open."

Before looking behind the door, Toagshi looked behind himself.

Realization then struck him. "Oh, right. My friends aren't here.."

He was alone.

"I'm definitely going crazy," said Toagshi. "Why have I been thinking about my past recently and so often?" Toagshi said while rubbing the side of his eyes.

"I wonder where are they now," he said with sadness in his voice. "I hope they ain't dead."

Toagshi then continued with his task. He finally looked around the door.

"Oh.." Toagshi said with a hint of caution and genuine relief.

He continued, ".. hello. Who are you?"

What he say was a tall, shadowy figure. It stood upright and had a slim physique.

The figure then abruptly turned around and face Toagshi.

"Oh..." a similar but lifeless duplicate of Toagshi's voice was played.

It mechanical way, it continued, "... hello... Who are you?"

Now facing Toagshi with it's large bright, yellow eyes that pierced through Toagshi's soul.

The figure then stepped forward.


The faint moonlight from a nearby window shined upon the figure.

Now revealed, it's stood proud.

It's sliver plates on its body shined bright in the moonlight, while it's face was still in the confines of the darkness. It eyes didn't need any light source to reveal them though.

"*Whispers* What the.. hell?" Toagshi inquired by whispering.

The Akuma continued to speak in it's lifeless voice, "I-I will kill you!"

"You can run, but you can't hind.." the Akuma then took a brief pause before saying, ".. asshole."